Friday, October 23, 2009

A Trillion Dollars Down The Drain

The stunning or stupid remarks by Dr. Christina Romer White House Economic Adviser when she said that the best of the stimulus bill has already been felt. Romer told a Congressional panel Thursday that by the middle of next year the $194 billion in stimulus funds spent in second and third quarters of this year will no longer be contributing to economic growth. Congressman Eric Cantor asked a simple question whether the stimulus plan has had the desired effect. Romer indicated that nearly $200 billion has been expended, another $150 billion allocated or already obligated. Cantor said, "But, really do the American people see the jobs? What is it that stimulus money really done? This is the final nail in President Obama coffin when it comes to the 787 billion stimulus bill. The stimulus bill was a payback to all the Unions and community organizations that supported President Obama during his campaign in 2008. The President and Christina Romer promised the American people that the unemployment rate would not go over 8.0%, but it has exceeded there projections and it stands now at 9.8% and is quickly moving towards 10%. This could be the worse use of federal dollars in the history of our great republic if this so-called stimulus plan does not meet the President expectation of creating 3-5 million new jobs. Therefore, if there are no jobs created by the spring or summer of next year there should be a full investigation on how the stimulus dollars were spent. This investigation will never happen because Rep. Pelosi and Sen. Reid will protect the "Messiah" and his failed economic policies. This is the Chicago-Style politics at it's best. The President learned his lesson well while in Chicago, make sure you payoff all your friends and they will always stay on the ship even if the ship is sinking. I will pray for our children's sake that our great country is still solvent after President Obama leaves the White House.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

MSNBC "Pricless" Mistake With Rev. Jackson And Leno On Fox

The nutcases over at MSNBC a real news organization can't even run a serious news program without making amateur mistake. Contessa Brewer the well know liberal host on MSNBC did not know who was the guest on her own show. If this were Fox News or any Conservative broadcast the liberal media would be calling the host on Fox News racist because they must think that all African-Americans look a like when they are doing a interview. The Rev. Jessie Jackson had to correct Contessa Brewer because, she called him Rev. Al Sharpton and the reaction from Jackson face was "Priceless" because you know that Jackson is jealous of any African-American leader who takes up his so-called spotlight. Contessa Brewer blamed the script in her teleprompter for the mix-up, but I thought that you have production meetings before the show to let you know who is going to be on your program. Finally, Jay Leno is also making fun of President Obama "War On Terror' against Fox News with opening show monologue. I starting to feel a small "Change" in the air that Democrats are starting to believe that Obama is a fraud and was not ready to be President. See video at the bottom of the articles.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Washington Post "Pathetic Poll" and Public Option

The Pelosi/Reid Health Care Bill got a boost from a fraudulent poll by the Washington Post that says that 57% of Americans support the public option or government run Health Care. The Washington Post support the "Public Option" offered by the liberals in the Congress. The key part to any poll is how you asked the question. The question "Would you support or oppose having the government create a new health insurance plan to complete with private health care insurance plans? In this case the pollster uses a market friendly term "Compete" even though it is subject to debate weather or not that competition could be fair. Back in June the Washington Post did a another poll which actually had broader support for the government run plan 62%. But in that poll they asked the following question, "What if having the government create a new health insurance plan made many private health insurers go out of business because they could not compete? After asking that, support dropped to 37%. Overall, 45% of Americans favor the broad outlines of the proposals now moving in Congress while 48% are opposed, about the same division that is existed in august, at the height of the angry town hall meetings over health care reform. Seven in ten Democrats support the health care bill, nine and ten Republicans oppose the health care plan. Independents divided 52 percent against, 43 percent in favor of the legislation. Finally, as many people disapprove of Obama's handling of health care as approve 48% and 68 percent think health care will add to the deficit. The liberal media will use the Washington Post Poll to put pressure on the Blue Dog Democrats to support the public option. This poll was used to throw a monkey wrench into the secret negations between the White House and Congress.

Monday, October 19, 2009

White House "War On Terror " Against Fox News Channel

The White House is stepping up there attacks against the Fox News Channel. On the Sunday Talk Shows Rham Emmanuel and David Axelrod continued there assault on Fox News by calling it a media arm of the Republican Party. The Obama Administration does not consider Fox News a legitimate media out when it comes to unbiased news. David Axelrod said, Fox News is not a news organization. Therefore, David Axelrod is calling CNN, ABC, NBC CBS and MSNBC legitimate media organization because they openly support the Obama Administration socialist policies. The Obama Administration has declared a "War On Terror" against the Fox News Channel and there hosts Glen Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O' Reilly. The White House has even developed a website to fact-check what is said by commentators and host on the Fox News Channel. There are liberal Media supporters from CNN to New York Times are telling the Obama Administration that they are wasting there time trying to isolate the Fox News Channel from there liberal competition. I really don't understand the Obama Administration because, they will open up negations with rouge regimes like North Korea, Cuba, and Iran but they will not talk to the Fox News Channel. This White House has crucified the Bush Administration for not talking to rouge regimes all around the world but they will not engage the Fox News Channel with interviews. This White House is so, use to the fawning and adoring left wing media that anyone who gives a fair and balanced commentary on the Obama Administration policies is considered a enemy of the state. President Obama and his loyal minions want "Pravda" style media that will report the Obama Administration talking points of the day. President Obama is reminding me of a third world dictator who wants to control every aspect of the country including the media. The Obama Administration is blaming all the domestic policy problems from the economy to health care on the Fox News Channel. Finally, could you imagine America without the Fox News Channel we would be living in modern day Russia or Cuba where Putin and Castro control the media outlets. The liberal socialist establishment believe they must destroy Fox News Channel to control America. Thank God for the Fox News Channel.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Conservative Doug Hoffman NY 23 "A Breath Of Fresh Air"

Doug Hoffman Conservative in the New York 23 Congressional District Special Election is a breath of fresh in Upstate New York. In New York State there is the Republican Party which is basically the same as the Democratic Party but, with a different name. The Conservative Party in New York State represents the true Ronald Reagan Conservative values that made the Republican Party successful in general elections. The Conservatives in New York State are constantly at war against the Republicans or RHINO'S who share almost 80% of the same values as liberal Democrats who have destroyed New York State. This was exemplified by the Gov. George Pataki Administration who governed like a Democrat and New York State lost it's competitive advantage when it comes to jobs, taxes and education. The Hoffman campaign fight against the hand picked RNC candidate Dede Scozzafava who is a left-wing Republican who has ties to all the Democratic special interest groups including the labor unions who are responsible for the decline of New York State. The RNC is extremely angry at Hoffman because they fell the only way the Democrat Owens can win the special election if the Republican and Conservative split the vote. Hoffman is not getting any help from the Republican Establishment or any of the so-called Ronald Reagan Conservatives who plan on running for President in 2012. The RNC did not get the message from the "Tea Party's" it was not a vindication of the Republican Party but, a message to both parties that you are not respecting the values and principals the made America great. Finally, the Republican Party will continue to lose elections until they understand that Conservatives run the Republican not a bunch of milk toast Wannabe Democrats that are responsible for losing to two general elections. No more Sen. John McCain and Sen. Lindsay Graham.