Saturday, April 18, 2009


President Obama has found a new best friend at the Summit Of Americas Conference Hugo Chavez the President Of Venezuela. Hugo Chavez only two weeks ago called President Obama a "Ignoramus" and now they laughing and shaking hands. President Obama seems to enjoy meeting theses "Communist Socialist Thugs" at these conferences. President Obama has also, found another new friend Raul Castro brother of Fidel Castro who wants to have a new relationship with President Obama and America. This type of behavior by President Obama is starting to become disturbing because he is also, meeting with Iranian leadership without any pre-conditions. This President truly believes that you can convince these communist thugs to become part of the international community. The President Of the United States should stop apologizing for America because these communist socialist thugs will never apologize for the behavior in there countries. I am not surprised that President Obama is willing to meet with the Castro brothers and Chavez because these are the heroes of the socialist movement in America. President Obama mentor Rev. Wright admires Castro and Chavez for being leaders of the socialist movement in South America. The left-wing liberals in America love Castro and Chavez and they must be having a socialist revolutionary party all across America. Finally, President Obama will have to learn the hard way that these communist socialist thugs are hell bent on destroying America. "THIS IS THE CHANGE WE ALL CAN BELIEVE IN". THIS PICTURE MAKES ME SICK.

Friday, April 17, 2009


The Liberal Elite political class has contempt for the Tax Day Tea Party protesters all across America. The contempt and hatred was shown by a statement by the Rep. of Illinois Jane Schakowsky calling the Tea Party protester "Despicable". The hatred spewed by the media and Democratic Party makes me sick. The House Democratic leadership called the Tea Party protesters Racist, Nazi and Gun Nuts. This language was lead by the Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi who calls the grassroots protesters "GOP AstroTurf". The Democratic House leaders where circulating memos to there rank and file members saying that the Tea Party movement was started by corporate lobbyist and attended by Neo-Nazi not average Americans. The leaders of the Left-Wing movement believe that anyone who protests against Government spending, taxes and bailout madness is a racist. This Tea Party movement has drawn the political line in the sand and shown the liberal media as little more than a extension of the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party. The liberal media has turned into the Old Soviet Union Media Service called "Pravda" which repeated the talking points of the communist party in the Soviet Union. The Democratic Party's Elite has shown all Tea Party movement protesters that they refuse to listen to the average Americans concerns about the future of our great nation. The Liberal political elite and media has declared war on Tea Party protesters and Conservatives and they hell bent on destroying anyone who would dare disagree with the "Messiah" President Obama. Finally, this "Socialist Movement" headed by President Obama, House and Senate Democrats and the Liberal Media are leading this country into a Old Fascist-Style European Government that will only listen to someone who agree with there socialist point of view. The Liberal Elites are using some of the same tactics that old fascist style governments used against there citizens. The only thing stopping President Obama and his minions from having a fascist style government is that they don't control the military who would suppress any opposition political thought in America. The Conservative movement has to understand that we are in a "Civil War" and we must win to save our great Republic from these clowns.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


The Left-Wing Media in America showed there true colors with there rhetoric and hatred of the Tax Day Tea Party's Protesters in America. The Left-Wing Media and Blogs attacked Americans for participating in these tax day protest. The main offenders of free speech by Americans is MSNBC who basically lead the charge against anyone who would dare complain about taxes, stimulus bill, government spending and bailout madness. The Host David Shuster, Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper were completely out of control calling members participating in these protests as "TEBAGGERS" which is a similar to terms used to attack Homosexuals. This is the type of rhetoric that the Left-Wing socialist media will use to protect there socialist movement in America. The Blogs like Huffington Post and Daily Kos were so, out of control that they also, used profane pictures and language to describe the Tax Day Tea Party's. The most shocking piece of journalism I have seen in a long time is when correspondent Susan Roesgen of CNN interviewed a protester in Chicago and she rudely, interrupted the man while he, was giving a answer to her question and she decided took a personal shot at the Fox News Network. This "Clown Ass Reporter" got on major news network CNN and repeated the Obama Administration talking points trying to discredit the Tea Party movement. This unprofessional conduct breaches the basic cannons of ethics of journalism. This type of child like behavior should not be permitted on a major news network. This woman should be in the Obama Administration with all the rest of the media members who have joined his team. I personally, think that CNN should fire Susan Roesgen as quick as possible for being a complete clown. This is the reason why MSNBC and CNN are far behind Fox News in the ratings battle because these two news networks have no respect for the Average Americans point of view. This is the final nail in the coffin for a large portion of the mainstream media. We all know that they are in the tank for the Obama Administration and it's socialist policies. The liberal socialist movement has been waiting almost 50 years to try and implement these socialist policies and they will destroy anyone who tries to get in the way of there movement. This battle against these socialist brownshirts is one we cannot lose or we will lose our great Republic to a bunch Fascist Thugs.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The Obama Administration has lost there mind when they hired Rosa Brooks a left-wing zealot political writer and Professor at Georgetown Law School who hated the War in Iraq and the Bush Administration. Rosa Brooks believes that President Bush and his Administration should be tried at the Geneva Convention as war criminals. Rosa Brooks belongs to several organizations the like National Security Network and Connect U.S. Funds that believe in the elimination of capitalism in America. Rosa Brooks will work for Undersecretary Of Defense for Policy Michele Flournoy is one of the most hateful left-wing columnist in the country who hates the Military and Conservatives. Rosa Brooks worked for the left-wing organizations controlled by George Soros who hates the basic foundation of America. Rosa Brooks work for another controversial nominee Harold Koh while, a member of the Clinton Administration who believes that America should support international law in the United States Court System. This left-wing zealot will be given security access to all our secret files with information on our Islamic enemies. Rosa has proved to be a zealot against the military and she, will probably share secrets with the her left-wing media friends if she does not like military policy in the Pentagon. I know that Secretary Of Defense Bob Gates has to pulling his hair out because he, has someone within his Defense Department who hated his policies in Iraq. Rosa Brooks supports President Obama strategy in Afghanistan because that is the only way she could get access to our secret files for her left-wing friends. The nomination of Rosa Brooks, Harold Koh and Timothy Geithner and several other nominees that President Obama has appointed high-level postions shows that this is a strong move toward a Socialist Government in America. Finally, the Obama Administration is filled with unsavory characters in our government who plan to "Change" our Government to a Europeans Style Socialist Government by any means necessary. Therefore, these clowns are "Hell Bent" on destroying America.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The radio talk show host Roger Hedgecock and the Liberty Papers posted a unclassified document from the Department Of Homeland Security Office Of Intelligence and Analysis report titled: RIGHT WING EXTREMISM: CURRENT ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL CLIMATE FUELING THE RESURGENCE IN RADICALIZATION AND RECRUITMENT. The report I read online was one of the scariest reports I have ever seen by a government agency. This piece of hateful propaganda is part of the Obama Administration strategy to try and destroy the Conservative movement. The DHS press office got back to Michelle Malkin and said that this document was real and legal. The DHS Department Press Secretary was defensive about the document saying that DHS has done reports on left-wing organizations in the past. The DHS and FBI has done assessments on organizations like ELF and ALF who have done domestic terrorism and physical harassment of Americans like arson, vandalism, farms, labs and university teachers. This document released by DHS was a sweeping indictment of all Conservative grassroots organizations. The two spokespeople for DHS said the economic downturn was the reason of the rise of Right Wing extremism in America. The report says the rise in right wing extremism is because of home forecloses, job losses and the election of President Obama. This report was probably leaked to the New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman and Liberal Blogs who have attacked the grassroots Tea Party Revolution. The Obama minions are comparing the Tea Party protests to the Weather Underground who was a terrorist organization who bombed police stations and the Pentagon. The Obama Administration has a plan to demonize anyone who participates in the Tax Tea Party's protests on Wednesday. This is a the beginning of a Fascist movement in the America and most Americans have know idea what is the hell going on inside the hateful Obama Administration. Therefore, when you read this hateful document you better watch out because the Obama Administration will be taking names and numbers at the Tax Day Tea Party's. The will be a large number of people under investigation if you read this document including radio talk show host like Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O' Reilly and Lou Dobbs. Finally, if you want to read the documents go to Roger Hedgecock website and read the fascist documents.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


The supporters of the Give Act and Americorps want more young Americans to volunteer in there local communities. The Critics of the Give Act say that this new program under the Obama Administration would secretly create a "Obama Style Army" of community organizers modeled after President Obama hero Saul Alinsky. The Give ACT was passed by both Houses of Congress and now it is going to conference committee and there is enough fine print in the bill that will make you think about the brownshirts brigades in Germany. This Give Act states that you may not participate in religion, politics or any type of proselytising on any social issue. The biggest problem with this bill is that President Obama said during the campaign that he want a National Civilian Security Force that was as well-funded as the United States military. This Give Act would help President Obama build a legion of young loyal volunteers who are paid by the federal government. The Give Act program could also, hold as many six million volunteers with a budget of six billion dollars. The Give Act also, requires anyone getting student loans must spend at least three months in the Give Act program. There is also, provision in the Give Act where Secondary schools have a "service learning program" which will be a mandatory part of there curriculum. The President's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel made a telling statement where he, said that we need a real Patriot Act that brings out all the patriot in all of us. Therefore, under the Give Act Plan Americans from the ages of 18 to 25 would have to serve there country and go through basic training, civil defense preparation and community service. This is similar to what Hitler did in Germany. Hitler in the 1920's he, launch the Hitler Youth Program which became in the 1930's the Brownshirts that terrorized Germany. Hitler knew if he controlled the youth of Germany he, controlled the future. The president is using his popularity with youth of America to create a secret police that will try and crush anyone who speaks out against President Obama and his socialist policies. Finally, the great comedian George Carlin made a great statement when he said if Fascism comes to America it will come with a smile.