Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chris Matthews,MSNBC And Left Wing Media Exploit Sen. Kennedy To Pass Obamacare

I awaken this mourning to find out that Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts had died at the age of 77. I began to watch different cable news channels especially, MSNBC, CNN and you would have thought Jesus, Pope and Mother Teresa had died. The left-wing media has almost made Sen. Kennedy into a modern day Saint who championed the causes of the less fortunate. The most disturbing statement that I heard all day came from Chris Matthews "He wanted to be his brother's, brother. Then Chris Matthews proceeded to make another outrageous statement by saying "Barack Obama..Barack is now the last brother". Chris Matthews is out of control and he, needs to be held accountable for being part of President Obama media public relations team. Chris Matthews and MSNBC, NBC, CNN, CBS, and ABC are schilling for the Obamacare and there is no one in the media calling out this media bias accept Brent Bozell Media Research Center. The clowns over at MSNBC especially, David Shuster as caught by Martin Fikelstein of Newsbusters: makes me sick. David Shuster: Ted Kennedy, unlike so, many politicians of the day, he didn't dabble in small stuff, the petty personal politics: that was not him. And again that is why so many people feel so sad, not only for the loss of him but for the loss perhaps of a political era. Sen. Kennedy was one of the biggest bomb throwers in Washington D.C.. Sen. Kennedy was a partisan who encouraged the hatred towards President Bush while, he was in office for last eight years. Sen. Kennedy did some great things while in office for minorities and disabled, but he was part of the destruction of civility while in United States Senate. These clowns will use Sen. Kennedy death for momentum to push Obamacare through Congress. Finally, it is shameful that the Democrats will use this sad occasion to resurrect a dysfunctional health care plan.

1 comment:

  1. I am not surprised because they are part of the socialist movement being lead by President Obama.
