Saturday, October 3, 2009

Steve Schmidt Kiss My Ass, Leave Sarah Palin Alone

Steve Schmidt can kiss my Ass. I am tired of former Sen. John McCain campaign workers blaming Sarah Palin for there debacle against the "Messiah" in the 2008 Presidential Election. Sen. McCain ran one of the worst campaign in American history and it seems like every time one of his former campaign workers speak they have a derogatory statement to say about Sarah Palin. This loser Steve Schmidt went on the Huffington Post to trash Sarah Palin hopes for a 2012 run for the Republican nomination. Why would any Republican go on a left-wing socialist blog to trash one of the most popular Conservatives in America. Sarah Palin is the only Republican that can fill a stadium with voters who are willing to give there money and time to a Republican Candidate. The moderate Blue Blood Republicans believe that Sarah Palin has no chance of defeating Barack Obama in the 2012 Presidential election, but moderate Democrats said, the same thing when Barack Obama ran against Sen. Hillary Clinton and he became President Of The United States. Finally, the Democrat's are not scared Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Tim Pawlenty and Bobby Jindal because they know that they will defeat these gentleman in a general election. The Democrats will always let you know who they fear the most by who the attack on a daily basis. They attack Sarah Palin because they know that she can galvanize the American Public because she represents the average American. The reason why Democrats hate Sarah Palin so much because she is not a elitist and she is one of the so-called common folk that most liberals despise at there West Side Manhattan and Hollywood parties. Sarah is a breath of fresh air because she, tell the truth about the problems that are facing American and she has simple solutions on the deficit, energy and health care that all American can agree on without transforming America into European Socialist Democracy.


  1. I am angry and I also feel the same way about the McCain Campaign workers.

  2. They will never give up on her. They are out to destroy her. Think about this, the honest hard working American who hard as can, follow the laws of the land, trying hard day after day to raise honest U.S. American children. Respect. books, family, friends, games and Salute the U.S.A. flag, all the, what used to be proper things in life are going to hell in this country so all the punk left wing liberial politically correct degenerates can go ahead and destroy this country that WE have fought to keep free. I am sick of watching the Honest Hard Working Americans get screwed by a bunch of communist democrat faggot acting queer, crooks who are living high on the hog for now, but i tell you this, soon we all have a meeting with Lord Jesus in Heaven and we shall see where the real power lays. Laugh now for you shall mourn and weep. This was once a great country but look what is happining to us. Are there no longer any Americans with backbone? Communist are ripping at our throats. Are only a handfull of us seeing what is happening? J am crippled with parkinsons disease and other crippling diseases, a Vietnam Era Veteran (Honorable) and Proud, but sick to my stomach for what this country is turning into. It makes me sick to my stomach. I sit here in great pain this morning, but, i cry thinking about the parents who sent their sons and daughters off to battle to keep murderous rapist and thugs from infiltrating this great country, U.S.A. but it seems they are already here and each time a Proud U.S. Military person goes down on the field of battle, another communist fag from hell takes their place while the spineless politicians and rich get richer. Sure hope all you left wing freaks go make well for yourselves in a third world country and enjoy your leberial ways.
    Dr Doc dlcs

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