Thursday, October 1, 2009

Kevin Jennings "Safe Schools Czar "Should Resign

President Obama has made some outrageous picks to his Administration including his Education Secretary Arne Duncan who was complete failure as Superintendent Of Chicago Public Schools. One of Arne Duncan's key leadership picks in the U.S. Department Of Education is Kevin Jennings position as Assistant Deputy Secretary Of Education in the office of safe and drug free schools. Kevin Jennings was a former Massachusetts Department Of Education Official and he also, founded and was the Executive Director of Gay, Lesbian And Straight Education Network. GLSEN makes schools safe for student regardless of sexual orientation or gender identify. President Obama promised the Gay and Lesbian Community the he would support there agenda. This "Joker" Kevin Jennings has some serious problems because he said, in 1997 according to a transcript put together by Brain J. Hurt Managing Editor of the Student Run-Harvard Journal Of Law and Policy, Jennings said he hoped that promoting homosexuality in schools would be considered fine in the future. The group that Jennings founded has been accused of promoting homosexuality. Jennings organization GLSEN landed in hot water when it revealed that it had included and educational seminar for children the graphically described different sexual techniques. These Joker's talked about a sexual technique called "Fisting" to under age children. Jennings has concerns about the event but was angry at the attendees who filmed the event. Jennings believes the children should get accurate information about safe-sex but at a age appropriate manner. I will not get into his 1994 book One Teacher In Ten, about how as a teacher he knew a High School Sophomore who was involved with a older man. This should disqualify Jennings from any position at the Department Of Education because as a teacher he is legally obligated to inform the proper authorities about sexual misconduct. Finally, every week we find out about another left-wing radical is in the Obama Administration. The problem with Kevin Jennings is not because he is Gay it is because, of his actions as a School Teacher and Community Organizer. There are plenty of respectable Gay Educators who could fill the same position in the Department Of Education without the baggage of Kevin Jennings.

1 comment:

  1. This is what you get when you put a socialist in the White House.
