Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rasmussen Poll: Republicans Pulling Ahead

Public unhappiness with the Democratic Socialist Agenda, Government Run Health Care, Cap And Trade, Cash For Clunkers and Bailout madness is increasingly being reflected in the Congressional generic poll. Today Scott Rasmussen find support for Republican Congressional candidates at it's highest level in recent years. Republican candidates enjoy a five point lead over the Democrats 43-38 percent. That represents a stunning turnaround from election day 2008 when the Democrats had a six point lead in the Congressional preference poll. The "Blue Dog Democrats" have to understand that Obama is willing sacrifice there Congressional seats to pass his Socialist Agenda. If the the "Blue Dogs" vote for Obamacare they will be part the growing unemployed in America.

1 comment:

  1. Blue Dogs are in serious trouble if they vote for President Obama Health Care Plan.
