Saturday, July 4, 2009

Gov. Palin Last Stand

Gov. Sarah Palin today resigned as Governor of Alaska and it has schocked all of her legions of loyal followers who believed the she would become the next President Of The United States In 2012. Gov. Palin has been put in a no win position by her enemies as Governor of Alaska because of all the constraints that are put on her by the State Of Alaska. Gov. Palin said that she had to put her faith and family first in making this decision to resign as Governor Of Alaska. The last year has made a enormous impact on her family and there lives and most of it was extremely negative by the liberal socialist media. The constant hateful attacks on her family took a toll on Gov. Palin and she finally decided to exit politics gracefully. The 24hr. hate fest by the liberal socialist media toward the Palin family has worked and in the future the media will use this same tactics against Republican candidates running for President. There has been no politician in my lifetime who was under more scrutiny than Gov. Palin and her family. In, the future Gov. Palin will become one the biggest advocates for the Conservative movement and President Obama biggest nightmare for the next three years. Gov. Palin now can travel the lower 48 states and make speeches and campaign for Conservative Republican candidates in 2010 mid-term elections. Gov. Palin has a opportunity to become the biggest fundraiser for the RNC because she is the most popular Republican politician in America. The enemies of the Conservative movement are Celebrating at the Daily Kos and Huffington Post with retarded jokes about Gov. Palin and her family. These are the same clowns that tell us that we should be more tolerant in America when they constantly attack Conservatives for there strong social and religious beliefs. Finally, I would not be surprised if Gov. Palin ran for President and put together a political machine that will go to war with the liberal socialist media establishment. Gov. Palin cannot run a successful presidential campaign from Alaska because of the coverage needed to be a successful candidate. Therefore, Gov. Palin could be making one of the wisest political decision in American history and it just might work by the surprise of her hateful enemies.

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