Monday, June 8, 2009

Pay Czar "Socialism 101"

The United States Of America has truly, become a "Socialist Nation" when you can control the pay or compensation of the Average hard working American. This is only the beginning of control over the financial industry, car industry and other crucial industries in America. The so-called Pay Czar will oversea salaries of rescued companies. The Obama administration plans to appoint a "Special Master Of Compensation" to ensure companies receiving federal funds are abiding by federal pay guidelines, according to people familiar with the matter. The administration is expected to release executive-pay guidelines for firms receiving aid from the 700 billion dollars "Troubled Asset Relief Program". Those companies include banks, auto makers, insures are subject to a host of compensation restrictions imposed by the Bush and Obama administrations and by Congress. OHB is requiring that additional compensation pay be in the form of restricted stock, vesting only after the company repays the debts with interest to the government. As part of the effort lawmakers are barred those firms from paying top earners bonuses that equal more than a third of total compensation. For, instance, the Federal Reserve is considering rules that would curb the ability to pay employees in a way that would threaten the "Safety And Soundness" of the Bank. The Obama administration will name Kenneth Feinberg who oversaw the federal government compensation's fund for victims of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, to act as Pay Czar for the Treasury Department. Finally, Sen. Robert Byrd a Democrat from West Virgina said, that having all these Czar's is a dangerous a trend, because they only report to the President Obama. President Obama is tighten his fist around every aspect of private, public and social life in America. Therefore, one of America's biggest enemies and critics of the United States President Hugo Chavez made a statement saying that President Obama was to the right of Fidel Castro and himself, because Obama was now in control of General Motors or Obama Motors. There is no secret in the world community that Obama is a socialist but it seems like the last people to know is the American people who are going along with the destruction of America

1 comment:

  1. When is he going to have a Czar of Czars...these are unelected individuals that are answering to the president...running our country and usurping the balance of power in such a way that executive powers are above and beyond the safety level.
