Thursday, April 2, 2009


This is a sad day in America when the United States Congress can pass a measure controlling salaries of private individuals and corporations. This so-called "Pay And Performance Act" passed the Congress with a vote 247-171 is the beginning of socialism in America. The Treasury Department under Timothy Geithner will determine who will receive a bonus because there corporation received federal bailout money. This is truly, a sad day because they are also trying to get special powers where Treasury Secretary Geithner can take over any corporation in America if it is deemed to big to fail. There were 10 Republican "Sellouts" who voted for this bill and 85 Republican"Sellouts" who voted for taxing AIG employees 90% of there bonuses which is illegal under the Constitution of the United States. Therefore, it seems like there is no one in Washington who will stand up for the Constitution and the rule of law because they are scared of the "Obama Populist Machine". This is the biggest Power Grab in the history of American politics and President Obama has only been in office for 70 days. The same left-wing blogs who called President Bush Hitler for passing the Patriot Act are not complaining about President Obama centralizing the federal government in Washington D.C. like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. The failed government policy will be run by clowns like Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chris Dodd who are the most corrupt Congressmen on Capital Hill. Finally, this Government is out of control and it seems like "Mob Rule" is determining legislation in Congress. The Congress is not using there judgement wisely when passing these socialist bills that will affect our capitalist system for the next 50 years. President Obama is enjoying this crisis because this gives his administration the opportunity to control every aspect of corporate America from the White House and destroy are capitalist system.

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