Monday, March 30, 2009


The Obama Administration has asked the CEO of General Motors Rick Wagoner to resign from his position or they will not receive the much needed loans to survive as the nations leading automaker. The Obama Administration also, told Chrysler that they would not receive loans if they did not finalize the merger plan with the European Company Fiat within the next 30 days. This is a huge step for the Obama Administration because they are now running the nations leading automakers from the White House. This is truly, the beginning of nationalized socialist government that will determine how a business is run and which products they will produce. President Obama and Treasury Secretary Geithner wanted special powers to takeover large corporation if they are deemed to large to fail and General Motors is the first example of how this socialized legislation will be handled by the Obama Administration. This move by the Obama Administration has to scare the hell out of the Banks and Corporations that received money from the Federal Government because President Obama and Treasury Secretary Geithner could move in at any time and take control of your private business. The Obama Administration I believe has a more sinister motive and that is that they want to control the money flow that comes out of Wall Street. Therefore, you will see CEO's on Wall Street who scared to confront the Obama Administration because they feel that they will be attacked by the "Obama Populist Machine". This is the "New Obama Socialism" where everything is Centralized in Washington D.C.. This form of Centralized Government that controls corporations and health care has failed in every industrialized country in the world. The Obama Administration wants to take this country down the road of instant failure with this form of government. President Obama Administration main priority is to keep him in power and his minions believe that he can stay in power by putting as many Americans as possible dependent on the federal government for services. Finally, I can not believe in the year 2009 that the Federal government would be running large Corporations like AIG and General Motors from the White House. This could be a sign of a declining world power or a change in government from a Democracy to a Dictatorship. We as Americans will know sooner rather than later but either choice I will not tolerate as a free American Citizen. I would rather fight another revolution than live under these conditions. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

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