Wednesday, February 4, 2009


The future Deputy Attorney Nominee General David Ogden comes from a group of Secular Progressive organizations called Fedelis. This group of organization works to promote religious freedom, values of human life and the institution of marriage. David Ogden is a abortion on demand advocate and he opposes all restrictions on abortions including policies like parent notification by minors. David Ogden presented a brief to the Supreme Court saying that there were no negative affects to having a abortion by David Ogden is also, a advocate of porn and obscenity on demand. He opposes any restrictions on the porn business and the products they sell. David Ogden believes that under the constitution that Americans have the right to view porn at there "Local Library". This clown also, believes that private property owners rights to exclude protesters from there property must yield to the right of the protesters. This Clown has the same beliefs that President Obama has when it comes to the constitution. President Obama believes that during the Civil Rights Movement the Supreme Court was wrong because, they did not redistribute income in there cases. This guy was the number one pick for all the Left-Wing organizations like Planned Parenthood, ACLU and Porn Industry. David Ogden is a advocate of pure anarchy in America when it comes to moral values. David Ogden opposes having filters on public library computers protecting children from Internet porn. This Clown David Ogden supports a "Living Constitution" and that means that it changes when Hollywood makes a new social statement. This means that the courts should not follow the basic framework of the Founding Fathers and constitution but follow international law and worldwide consensus when it comes to following the law. Finally, this clown should not become Deputy Attorney General with these type of social views. The Secular Progressive movement loves this pick because David Ogden believes that there should be no Rules and Regulations in society. This is how you destroy America by letting clowns like the run our government.

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