Thursday, February 5, 2009


The African-American Community is celebrating the first African-American President Of The United States but, we have some serious problems that need to be addressed. There is a large sector of our community is out of control and we have no answers to the questions. We have a negative sub-culture that has taken over our community. This Hip-Hop sub-culture tells our children that it is OK' to disrespect the elders in our community. We have so much hatred towards each other that the teen murder rate in the African-American community is at a all-time high. We have a High School graduation rate of 50% in America but, in some major cities it is as low as 25%. This failure has led to a epidemic of crime in our communities and a sense of hopeless with the youth in our community. The African-American so called leadership has failed to address these major issues because, they want to keep the narrative to the story "Blame The White Man". The African-American leadership refuses to take a good look in the mirror and address the major issue that has affected our community and that is the breakdown of the family. The Bible says that everything starts with the family because that is the first place where you learn your basic moral values. The lack of a fathers in 70% of African-American homes has created chaos in our communities. The Bible says that the father is the head of the household and he, is there to protect, provide and discipline the children in the home. I am not saying that single African-American women cannot do the job but, it is to much of a burden on a women to hold a full-time job and discipline teenage boys and girls when she gets home from work. This should be number one priority in the African-American community to put the family back together. This should be addressed 365 days a year in our community because, if we can solve this problem we will see beginning of the turn around in the African-American community. Therefore, if we address the family issue you will finally, see a drop in crime and higher graduation rates in High Schools all around the country. The African-American leadership has to point the finger at African-American men and tell them that you will have to start doing your job and be responsible fathers to your children. We as a community need to bring back that old word that use to be used in our community and that word is called "Shame". There is no shame in our community because our children feel as though they can do anything without any consequences. My solution may be radical to the African-American community but, we need a violent takeover of all our communities in the United States by the elders in our community. We need to go down to these street corners were the gang members and drug dealers are at and kick the "Living Shit Out" of them for violating the rules of a safe society. This hostile takeover of our community will bring back a sense of community again because now there will be rules and regulations that all the children in our community will have to follow or suffer some dyer consequences. We need to self police our communities like other communities all around the world. We need to let our children know that we expect the best out of them when it comes to being respectful to there fellow human beings. Finally, this is Part One of of a serious of articles during Black History Month about the failure of leadership in the African-American Community. There will be some simple solutions that can turn around our communities without asking the so called White Man for any money.

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