Monday, January 5, 2009


There are many Americans excited that there will be a new President sworn in on January 20,2009. The biggest problem that the Average America has to face other than large unemployment lines is the falling dollar. The are plenty of analyst in the business community saying that the dollar will make a comeback this year with a upswing in the economy. The same people that told you that the 700 billion dollar bailout would solve America financial problems. I want to know how can the dollar make a comeback when the federal reserve keep cutting the interest rates every month. Therefore, when you see this happen the value of the dollar will continue dropping on the open market. The best person to listen in the business media is Peter Schiff were he, is openly saying that you should not invest your hard earned money in the American dollar but exchange your money for European currencies. The United States Government is going the way of 1920's Germany because, the only thing we are doing is printing money because, there are countries the around who will in the near future who will not finance out nations debt. There are countries around the world like France saying that after this financial crisis that we need a one world currency. This is the destruction of America right in front of your eyes when you see the dollar crash in the markets. The biggest sign that will tell you that the dollar is worthless is when oil rich countries will refuse to take dollars as payment for oil. Furthermore, they will start asking to be paid in Euros and that will be the death nail to the American dollar. The Obama stimulus plan will dig into a deeper recession because, he believes that the government will solve the nations financial crisis and that is the same mistake President Carter made when he was elected President. The future Obama Administration feels that the government can solve the all the nation financial problems government program but, we should let the financial markets correct itself and flush out all the bad corporations and Wall Street firms. Finally, if you want the dollar to make a comeback encourage Americans to save there money and pay off all there financial debts. The American government should set up a 15 year plan to payoff all our countries financial debts to forgein countries like China who we owe three trillion dollars.

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