Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The World-Wide recession will become a World-Wide Depression if the Financial markets keep falling everyday. In my first article in January the recession in America was caused by the sub-prime loan debacle in America and the companies that gave out these risky loans such as Countrywide and Merrill Lynch. The World-Wide Depression is caused by these Risky loans being bundled and sold all around the world to banks in Europe, Asia and Australia. This is why you see the Banks in Europe bailing out there banks because, Wall Street used a pyramid scheme to make large profits on these risky loans. This could be one of the biggest criminal acts in World History. The Chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers Stanley O' Neil walked away with 150 million Dollars and his fellow employees received 2.5 billion in bonuses after destroying the company and the American economy. The CEO of Fannie Mae Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson walked away with 90 Million Dollars after being investigated for the Accounting scandal at Fannie Fae. The lack of oversight by SEC Chairman Chris Cox and the Congress has brought on this World-Wide Depression for not doing there freakin job. The Banking Committee Chairman Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd should resign from there Committee post and they also should be investigated for there part in these scandals. The former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan should be indicted for his lack of oversight because, he knew what the hell was going on but he decided to retire when he knew that "Shit Was Going To Hit The Fan". The same crew that brought us this Depression now wants the American people to give them 700 million dollars to bailout these sorry ass companies. They are still not telling you the truth about this World-Wide financial disaster because, this is only the first bailout. There is about 100 Trillion Dollars of worthless paper and derivatives all around the world and the Banks don't know what to do with these worthless assets. The Government is buying 900 Million Dollars Commerical paper so that small businesses in America can get credit to pay there employees. This Commerical paper are usually, 60 day loans that is used to get goods and services so they can run there businesses. Finally, the world is in some serious trouble and the politician in Washington are not telling the American people the truth aand that is that America is broke.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


This Tuesday Night is Sen. McCain Last Stand because, this will be the final time he, will have a chance of changing voters mind on who will be the next President Of The United States. Sen. McCain was on his way to winning a close election until September 16 when the first bomb dropped in the "Economic Crisis". When AIG and Fannie Mae were bailout by the Federal Government that is when Sen. McCain poll numbers start dropping as fast as the Dow Jones Average. The McCain Campaign thought that they could survive these two huge bailouts but, then the "Wall Street Crisis" fell right into Sen. McCain lap and destroyed his, bid to become President Of The United States. This is the "October Surprise" that everybody was waiting for to change a close election. Sen. McCain has to somehow convince the American people that he, can fix the economy and create jobs in America. This is the toughest job any politician has had since the 1980 general election campaign between Carter-Reagan. Sen. McCain has to do something that is out of the box and tell the American people the truth about the state of the American economy. I would suggest that Sen. McCain tell the American people the we are flat broke. Sen. McCain should tell the American people the we are 50 Trillion Dollars in debt when you add up Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and other debts that we have accrued on our books that are not being accounted for in the budget. The United States Government has four sets of books and if they were a Wall Street corporation they would be under investigation by the Attorney General and the FBI for cooking the books. Sen. McCain should tell he American people that we will start paying off all our debts to China, South Korea, Japan and Saudi Arabia as soon as he is inaugurated President Of The United States. Sen. McCain should tell the American people that he is going to cut Government spending in half to 1.5 Trillion dollars and he, will use he extra money to pay of our national debt. This would strengthen the American Dollar and put us on the right track to being a country with a balanced budget. Sen. McCain should give the American people some "Straight Talk" and tell them that this will take us about Twenty Years to pay off our debt but, it will secure our nation credit for future generations. Sen. McCain should tell the American people that he, will not raise taxes until the United States Government learns how to be frugal with the dollars sent to them by the American people. Finally, the McCain campaign has about a 15% chance of winning this election so, why don't Sen. McCain try something new that will stimulate the electorate and change some voters minds. Sen. McCain don't be scarred to try something out of the box because, remember you are the true Maverick in this race.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


The Liberal Socialist Media have been waiting a whole month to watch one of the most anticipated debate between Gov. Palin and Sen. Biden. The Liberal Media has declared war on Gov. Palin and they have been trying to discredit her and the McCain Campaign for the last month. The Liberal Socialist Media has attacked her family, intelligence and her qualifications to be Vice President Of The United States. The Liberal Media received there talking points from the Obama Campaign and they followed everything the Obama campaign has said about Gov. Palin since, being nominated for Vice President. The debate Thursday Night is not about the issues it is about if Gov. Palin will make a mistake so, the Liberal Socialist Media can unleash there attack dogs at the New York Times, MSNBC, CNN, NBC NEWS and CBS NEWS. Gov. Palin has to show up to this debate and be herself and not the Mechanical Politician the The McCain Campaign has made her out to be for the last two weeks. Gov. Palin should be the person who ran for Mayor in Wassilia, Alaska and relate to the average American. Gov. Palin should talk about the kitchen table issues that affect Americans everyday and give specific example on how we can solve this "Economic Crisis" in America. Gov. Palin will be attacked by Sen. Biden for her lack of Forgein Policy experience but, she must say the with all the the forgein Policy experience Sen. Biden has why was he wrong on Detente and The Fall Of The Soviet Union. Sen. Biden also, wanted to split Iraq into three separate Provinces and he, was wrong about that because, the Iraq people did not want there country split three different Provinces. Sen. Biden will also, attack her on the economy and link the McCain campaign to the Bush Administration and there policies, because of the bad economy. Gov. Palin should say that they are Mavericks and that they are going to Washington to change the culture that created the "Wall Street Crisis". Finally, this debate is about Gov. Palin and if she, is successful Thursday night she will revive the McCain Campaign and give him a outside chance of the Winning the General Election.