Saturday, September 5, 2009

Obama State Run Pravada Media

The Obama State Run-Media has not mentioned the continuing controversy over Van Jones the embattled Green Jobs Czar. I decided to try a watch all three network newscasts last night and the only mainstream media newscast that mention Van Jones was CBS News. ABC News and NBC News the two highest rated evening newscast decided to dismiss the charges against Van Jones and his radical Anti-American views. The Obama State Run-Media refused to question why would President Obama appointee as Green Jobs Czar signed a petition calling for a immediate inquiry into evidence that suggest high level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11 attacks to occur. The Obama State Run-Media decided to give President Obama credit for releasing names of visitor logs at the White House and Jake Tapper called it "Unprecedented". NBC News Brian Williams President Obama Deputy Press Secretary cried about "How Did a Back To School Speech get branded as a attempt to brainwash American children? Williams also, cried about liberal disappointment Obama-defenders are being not tough enough. "Some are asking how the White House message got hijacked before the speech was delivered and why are more people not pushing back. NBC and MSNBC are not a real news organization they are advocates for the Obama Administration and his socialist policies. The Chairman And CEO Of General Electric Jeffery Emmelt has decided to hitch his wagon to the Obama Machine and he will do whatever it takes to protect his Presidency. NBC News has spent the last month mocking the Health Care protesters and the "birther movement" but they can't find two minutes during a evening newscast to investigate a devout to a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. ABC News went off on the deep end when George Stephanopoulos tried to present a positive spin on the unemployment rate reaching 9.7% the highest unemployment rate in 26 years by saying Wall Street Shrugged off the unemployment numbers and Dow Jones went up 100 points. Who in the hell gives a damn about what happens on Wall Street when on Main Street Americans don't have jobs. The mainstream media has decided to protect there "Messiah" President Obama from any controversy that may destroy his Administration. The prominent mainstream liberal media outlets like the Washington Post, New York Times, ABC News, NBC News should have there so-called unbiased media credentials revoked. Finally, we are in a low intense "Civil War" were the liberal media and President Obama have joined forces to try and destroy the Conservative Movement. The Left-Wing Socialist movement will not be happy until the drive all the Conservatives in the sea.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Barack Obama, Van Jones And Socialist Doctrine

The Communist, Socialist and Fascist are in control of America when a nutcase like Van Jones can be in the Obama Administration. The President Senior Advisor Valarie Jarret expressed her complete support of Van Jones at a forum when she stated the that President Obama has been following Vans Jones work while in Oakland California. Van Jones is part of a group of nutcases who believe that 9/11 was a inside job by the Bush Administration. This clown believes that the government is responsible for the deaths of 3,000 Americans. This clown signed the document in support of this ridiculous theory and now he is trying to runaway from his so-called revolutionary past. Van Jones has called for a immediate inquiry into evidence that suggest the highest level of government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11 attacks to occur. Ben Smith of Politico, reports that Van Jones has issued the following statement. In recent some in the news media have reported on on past statements I made before joining the Administration- some of which was made years ago. If I have offended anyone with the statement I have made in the past, I apologize. As for the petition I circulated today, I don't agree with the statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever. My work on the Council On Environmental Quality is entirely focused on one goal: building clean energy incentives that create 21st century jobs that improve energy efficiency and a use of renewable resources. The President is standing behind Van Jones even though he does not deny signing the disgusting petition. This clown was recruited by the Obama Administration because of his radical views on the environment. The Obama Administration vetted Van Jones and the knew he was a devout Socialist and they still gave him a position as Green Jobs Czar. Finally, this is the final nail in the mainstream media coffin. How could Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, Carol Browner and John Holdren views not be scrutinized by the liberal media. Therefore, could you imagine if next President had a "Birther" in his administration the liberal media would have had a investigation by the end of the day. The reason why there is no mainstream investigation is because the liberal media agree with the policies of these liberal Czars that the Obama Administration has appointed to his kitchen cabinet. The President told every American to judge him by the people he appoints to his cabinet. The President has appointed socialist, abortionist and nutcases to his administration. This president promised the American people that he would transform America when he, was elected President. The President has decided to transform America into a so-called Socialist Democracy that will destroy the Republic that was started by our founding fathers.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dr. Obama Snake Oil Salesman

Dr. Obama will give another prime time speech Sept. 9 on Obamacare. Dr. Obama is selling his Health Care Plan like a overnight infomercial on hair loss. Dr. Obama is calling a special session of Congress to revitalize his failed health care plan. A special session of Congress is only used for a national emergency "Act Of War" not a socialist health care plan. This snake oil salesman will try and sell the American people on his version National Health Care. It is expected that Dr. Obama will ditch the (Public Health Option) for so-called Coops or Private Option. Dr. Obama will try and comfort angry Americans by telling them they will be able to keep there own doctor if you subscribe to his flawed Health Care Plan. Dr. Obama will also, tell Americans if you sign up for Obamacare the federal government will actually save Billions of Dollars on Health Care spending. Dr. Obama America most famous snake oil salesman forgot to tell that when your doctor or employer drops there health care plan you will automatically end up in the public option controlled by the federal government. Therefore, the American people have to understand that Dr. Obama is a snake and he will use every avenue to reach his goal of having every American in the Public option in the near future. If you cut a deal with a snake you will eventually get bitten. The Blue Dog Democrats and Moderate Republicans will have to stand strong against this Snake Oil Salesman new strategy to trick the average American to support a health care plan that will bankrupt the federal government. The snake oil salesman will have Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid at the White House the day before his speech to tell them that the public option has been taken off the table. The snake will tell the two leaders of Congress that we will trick the American into a public option. Finally, be careful of the "Snake" my fellow Americans or we all will end up with venom in our veins and we will have nobody to blame but ourselves.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Zogby: Obama Approval Plummets To 42%

President Barack Obama's Job Approval Rating rating is down to 42%, with a decline in approval from Democrats the leading factors. The latest Zogby Interactive Poll of 4,518 likely voters conducted from August 28-31 found 48% disapprove and 42% approve of the job Obama is doing. The poll found the 75% of Democrats approve of Obama's job performance, a drop of 13% among Democrats from a interactive poll done July 21-24 of this year. That same poll same poll found 48%of all likely voters approving of Obama job performance. 49% disapproving. In the most recent poll 8% of Republicans and 37% of Independents approve of Obama's job performance. Both are down from six weeks ago; two points among Repulicans and three points among Independents. In the time between the two Aforementioned polls Zogby conducted a similar interactive survey from August 18-20. That poll 45% of likely voters approving of Obama's job performance and 51% disapproving. So Obama is up very slightly overall from 10 days earlier. The August 28-31 poll also found. 17% give Obama a excellent job rating, 25% rate him good, 16 fair and 41% poor. Combing the to highest and lowest rankings shows 42% rating positively and 57% negatively. (This is the standard Zogby International has used for many years in measuring job performance.) Likely voters are closely split on whether they have a favorable opinion of Obama, with 50% favorable and 48% unfavorable. Democrats are more positive about Obama personally than they are of his job performance, with 85% rate him favorably. 52% of all likely voters are proud to have Obama as President and 35% are ashamed. The percentage of those proud is unchanged from six weeks ago. The majority of likely voters (53%) believe the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction, with 38% saying right direction. The margin of error for the poll is +/-1.5 percentage points. Margin of errors are higher sub-groups.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Swine Flu Shot Or Get Fired

Workers at Capital Region Hospitals are going to have to get "Flu Shot" this year or face losing there jobs. The requirement is part of a new emergency regulation adopted earlier this month by the State Hospital Review and Planning Council that requires all hospital workers get the flu vaccine--and it will be a requirement for your employment. Hospitals are quickly trying to assemble new workplace policies to comply with the regulations, and those that have been put in place threaten disciplinary action even termination if workers, janitors, food service workers to doctors and nurses, refuse to get the shots. The policy affects about 25,000 people in the region. Albany Medical Center, the region leading hospital, sent out announcements to workers earlier this week saying employees had to get the flu shot by Oct. 16. spokesman Gregory McGarry the hospital may take corrective action against employees if they don't apply, although he declined to get in specifics about what type penalties they would face. The hospital for the vaccine is insisting that almost 7,000 employees get the shots, even those who work at off-site building including the Fiance Center in Demlar, McGarry said even those workers spent time at the main hospital buildings for meetings. It's any who has contact with patients or providers, "McGarry said."There may be rare exceptions. There are few exceptions , "spokesman Elmer Streeter. We will be requirement all of our employees as a condition of employment. Workers will be suspended for five day initinally if they don't get the shot. After that, they have another five days to comply before facing possible termination. Public Health officials across the world are gearing up for the flu season this year with special urgency, especially the concern over the H1N1 "swine" flu virus. The new state regulation does not cover the swine flu vaccine, only the seasonal flu vaccine. The New York State Nurses association, which represents 37,000 nurses in New York State, has opposes mandatory policies, and still does, says Spokesman Mark Genovese. We think it should not be mandatory, "Genovese said."But we urge them to protect themselves."Northeast Health in Troy, the organization that owns the Albany Memorial Hospital and Samartian Hospital in Troy, is working toward new guidelines. "We are still in the process of finalizing our policy on that, said Spokesman Angela Yu. Obviously, we are trying to comply with Health Department rules. Written By Larry Rulison.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Sen. Harry Reid Threatens Las Vegas Newspaper

Sen. Harry Reid is is some serious trouble in Nevada when he, began using bullying tactics of a out-of control Obama Administration has openly wished for the "Las Vegas Review-Journal" to go out of business- a newspaper that has a opposing political viewpoints with the Senator. But the, is this really shocking coming from a veiled supporter of the Fairness Doctrine? The comment came from Rob Brown, The Journal Director Of Advertising, met with Reid at a Las Vegas Chamber Of Commerce luncheon. During the simple process of handshaking, and exchange in which most people with a ounce of class can pull off without a issue. Reid said to Brown: "I hope you go out of business". "In retrospect, perhaps Brown should have been reviled that he was not classified as a Smelly Tourist or a "Evil Monger" by the esteemed Senate Majority Leader. To there credit, the Journal did not take this bullying tactic laying down. A quick thought to the Las Vegas Journal-Review response after the jump: Publisher Sherman Fredrick posted a Op-Ed Column in which he calls Reid Tactics childish, boorish, ugly, creepy and asinine that adding further commentary seems unnecessary. Fredrick column ends with this thought" "...we serve notice on Sen. Reid that this is a creepy tactic that will not be tolerated. "The question is, will Nevadans also serve notice come the election of 2010. Written By Rusty Weiss.