Saturday, September 5, 2009

Obama State Run Pravada Media

The Obama State Run-Media has not mentioned the continuing controversy over Van Jones the embattled Green Jobs Czar. I decided to try a watch all three network newscasts last night and the only mainstream media newscast that mention Van Jones was CBS News. ABC News and NBC News the two highest rated evening newscast decided to dismiss the charges against Van Jones and his radical Anti-American views. The Obama State Run-Media refused to question why would President Obama appointee as Green Jobs Czar signed a petition calling for a immediate inquiry into evidence that suggest high level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11 attacks to occur. The Obama State Run-Media decided to give President Obama credit for releasing names of visitor logs at the White House and Jake Tapper called it "Unprecedented". NBC News Brian Williams President Obama Deputy Press Secretary cried about "How Did a Back To School Speech get branded as a attempt to brainwash American children? Williams also, cried about liberal disappointment Obama-defenders are being not tough enough. "Some are asking how the White House message got hijacked before the speech was delivered and why are more people not pushing back. NBC and MSNBC are not a real news organization they are advocates for the Obama Administration and his socialist policies. The Chairman And CEO Of General Electric Jeffery Emmelt has decided to hitch his wagon to the Obama Machine and he will do whatever it takes to protect his Presidency. NBC News has spent the last month mocking the Health Care protesters and the "birther movement" but they can't find two minutes during a evening newscast to investigate a devout to a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. ABC News went off on the deep end when George Stephanopoulos tried to present a positive spin on the unemployment rate reaching 9.7% the highest unemployment rate in 26 years by saying Wall Street Shrugged off the unemployment numbers and Dow Jones went up 100 points. Who in the hell gives a damn about what happens on Wall Street when on Main Street Americans don't have jobs. The mainstream media has decided to protect there "Messiah" President Obama from any controversy that may destroy his Administration. The prominent mainstream liberal media outlets like the Washington Post, New York Times, ABC News, NBC News should have there so-called unbiased media credentials revoked. Finally, we are in a low intense "Civil War" were the liberal media and President Obama have joined forces to try and destroy the Conservative Movement. The Left-Wing Socialist movement will not be happy until the drive all the Conservatives in the sea.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, for telling the truth about the liberal media.
