Friday, May 8, 2009


The Speaker Of The House Nancy Peolsi and Former CIA Chief Porter Goss Knew about enhanced interrogation techniques including waterboarding, were being used in Jihad detainees on September 4, 2002. This clown Speaker Pelosi knew from day one the that the CIA were using these techniques to gain vital information. Speaker Pelosi should be under investigation for lying to the American public about National Security. This is what the CIA memo says published by Human Events. The Weekly Standard Bill Kristol also, read the memo on Fox News which says the CIA went over every technique used on the detainees with Speaker Pelosi and other prominent Democrats. ABC News asked to speak with Speaker Pelosi but, her spokesperson says the Speaker has a "recollection" that is different from the released memo. Finally, the truth comes out that Speaker Pelosi is a habitual lying machine and she should be removed from being Speaker Of The House as soon as possible.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Unfortunately, those who worked in New York City were unable to redeem there KFC coupons. A KFC Employee literally screaming out the front door stating that "No More KFC coupons" and turned people away. Some Americans went to stores to use there coupon today and there was a notice stating that the last four numbers with the bar code are 1234 are no good! Came home again and tried to print again and the website would not let me print another coupon. There are thousands of New Yorkers who are unable to redeem there grilled chicken coupons. The customers are not having a good experience in Metro New York City with the KFC Stores. Therefore, problems with coupons are happening in California and Texas were they say they are not redeeming coupons with the bar code number 1234 is all you get from the PDF version. There s a version on FireFox that printed a good version of the coupons. I took the coupons to KFC and I was served politely and the food was good. I guess it depends on what store you go to in your local area. Finally, KFC should have been prepared for the millions of people who going to swamp there stores with the grilled chicken coupons.


In Hawaii the State Senate passed a bill on Wednesday to celebrate Islam Day over the objections of a few lawmakers who said that they did not want to honor a religion connected with September 11. The resolution proclaiming September 24, 2009, as Islam Day passed the Senate 22-3 vote. the bill seeks to recognize the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions the Islam and the Islamic world have made. There is no Christianity Day in Hawaii though the state does designate "Good Friday" as a government holiday, which courts have ruled was primarily proposed to increase the frequency of legal holidays. Finally, where is the ACLU and Barry Lynn talking about the separation of Church and State. I forgot they only hate Christians.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


The parents of Washington D.C. Inner-City children are not letting the Anti-Obama Administration off the hook for stopping the city's school choice program. they are holding a rally at Freedom Plaza 1:00p.m.- 2:00p.m. in Washington D.C.. Therefore, if you are in the area please join the children and parents in raising there voices for excellence in education and opportunity for all American children. Watch the Reason TV excellent video of parents from the inner-city who really care about there children's education. Finally, President Obama excerises school choice for his children so, why can't inner-city parents send there childern to the best schools in Washington D.C. with there own school voucher.


The Federal government has not seen this level of incompetence since FEMA Director Micheal Brown during Hurricane Katrina. Department Of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has shown that she could be one of the most incompetent cabinet secretary in the history of this great nation. Secretary Napolitanio Department authorized two reports on right wing radicals saying the recession and the election of the first black president and the return of disgruntled war veterans could increase the ranks of the militias. The report also, says that Homeland security analysis says that right-wing radicals are also, groups that reject Federal authority in favor of states rights. This may include groups that have a single issue such as a opposition to immigration or abortion. The nine page document was sent to police departments all around the nation on April 7, 2009. It says the federal government will be working with the state and local authorities to gather information on right-wing activities in the United States. The report issued by Homeland Security has no specific information about a terrorist attack by a Right-wing extremist group. Therefore, the Department of Homeland Security has authorized another report called Domestic Extremism Lexicon that came out of the Office Of Intelligence And Analysis. The DHS has changed the name of Islamic terrorist to "Man Caused Disaster" and countless other names for radical organizations. It seems like DHS is out of control and has no leadership when they keep authorizes these ridiculous reports on right wing extremism. The new report still attacks war veterans, anti immigration movement, tax resistance movement and Cuban Independence extremism movement. This list of groups by DHS seems like a large voting block group that did not vote for President Obama. This seems like the Obama administration is using the federal Government stop dissent amongst his opposition. Finally, these are the same tactics Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro use in there Communist countries to control there population. This must be stopped and there should be a Congressional investigation into why these reports being issued by DHS every month. Secretary Napolitano should be fired by President Obama today.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


It appears that the love towards President Obama does not go under appreciated at the White House because last Wednesday, a member of the Administration actually, declared in public. AT THE WHITE HOUSE AS WE ALWAYS LIKE TO SAY, WE LOVE MSNBC. this occurred at the Atlantic Council Awards Dinner hosted by Joe Scarborough and Mika Berzezinski. Therefore, after they introduced special assistant to President Obama for the Arts and Culture Kareem Dale, he began the video. Thank You. Thank you. Thank You for that great introduction. At the White House as we, always like to say we love MSNBC. Finally, I would love a News channel when a commentator like Chris Mathews says his job is to make President Obama a success. This shows that there is a media "Jihad" to make President Obama a success and they will cover-up all his mistakes. Watch the video below at the at the awards dinner.


The story broke over the weekend that the Obama administration threatened a investment firm that opposed the Union friendly bankruptcy plan by Chrysler. Tom Lauria represents a few of the non-TARP creditors. Tom Lauria reported the threats on the WJR Radio Host Frank Beckkmen and Neil Cavuto Show on Fox News. Tom Lauria the Head of Restructuring at the top five law firm White & Case in which the lawyer who represents Chrysler holdout "Hedge Funds" Stairway Capital and Oppenheimer discusses the on the record the amazing treatment by the White House of Perella Weinberg which initinally had a transaction holdout but after threats from the White House was forced to drop there objections and go with the administration. One of my clients was directly threatened by the White House and in essence compelled to withdraw it's opposition to the deal under the threat that the White House the full force of the White House Press Corps. would destroy his reputation if you continued to fight the deal. That was Perella Weinberg. The bond lien holders were willing to take a 50% discount on there positions, but the 71% demanded by the Administration was seen as too much. Among the Creditors are not just vulture hedge funds pensioners, teachers, Unions, college endowments and retirement plans. Finally, this shows the strong arm tactics of the White House and the power the President has in the liberal media to destroy a man life trying to protect his investors. Tom Lauria job is to get the best deal for his investors not to sell them out because the President made him a offer that he could not refuse.

Monday, May 4, 2009


The liberal socialist newspaper the Boston Globe faces a shut down if the Unions Guilds refuse to reach financial concessions with the Times Corporation. If no deal is reached this would force the company to file a notice of shutdown. This would allow the Times Corporation which is the owner of the Boston Globe to close the newspaper within 60 days, the Globe has reported. The Times Corporation is seeking 10 million from the newspaper guild, 5 million from the mailers, 2.5 million from the truckers and 2.2 million from the press operators the Globe said. The guild is the main union the represents 600 Editorial, Advertising, business and office workers, according to the Globe. The Times Corporation have provided the unions with a copy of the notice that we are prepared to file if we are unable to reach agreement by Midnight Sunday Night Deadline. The Globe spokesman Robert Powers told the newspaper, this notice is required under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification act, which requires 60 days advance notice notice be the closure of the business. The guild said that the ultimatum was still issued after the guild made a proposal that exceeds over 10 million dollars in concessions. This tactic, expected while expected, this representative of the bullying manner the Times Corporation has conduct itself during these intense negotiations. Despite these tactics we have been negotiating with the Times Corporation in good faith and will work until we get a acceptable outcome for both sides. The key disagreement is to eliminate job guarantees of 450 union employees, the Globe reported. The Times Corporation spokeswoman said the negotiations where still going on past the Sunday deadline. The negotiations follow a doom and gloom out for the Boston Globe. The 137 year old Newspaper is expected to lose 85 million dollars in 2009 if it does not make major cuts according to the Times Corporation. The Boston Globe says profits have gone south ever since readers and advertisers have shifted online.