Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sen. Snowe And Sen. Collins Will "Trigger" A Republican Sellout On Health Care

Sen. Olympia Snowe and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine can't be trusted when it comes to writing a bi-partisan Health Care Bill. Sen. Snowe and Sen. Collins are supportive of a so-called "Trigger" concept that will be implemented if the insurance companies fail to fix the current system. The "Trigger" concept falls right in the hands of the supporters of the Public Option, because this will give President Obama and Democrats a chance set up a system where the insurance industry will fail to fix the insurance system. Speaker Nancy Pelosi says, that she might be for a "Trigger" concept if the final result is a strong "Robust" Public Option. Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid will write rules and regulations that will cause the Trigger Concept to come into effect in the next five years. Sen. Snowe and Sen. Collins are willing to break the filibuster proof 61 votes if there concept of a Trigger is in the final Health Care Bill. This is a victory for the Obama Administration and Unions because, they can just wait a couple of years and "Trigger" for a Single Payer System that Democrats have envisioned last 50 years will come into effect. During tonight Joint Address to Congress expect President Obama to mention Sen. Olympia Snowe and Sen. Susan Collins to try and convince the average American that he, is working on a bi-partisan Health Care Bill that all Americans can support. President Obama will use Sen. Snowe and Sen. Collins "Trigger" concept to gain support among "Blue Dog Democrats" and give them cover in there Conservative Districts in the 2010 Congressional Elections. The President will use this Trigger option to inch the American people closer to a single payer system. Finally, when the history books are written Sen. Snowe and Sen. Collins will be held responsible for destroying the best health care system in World. The Democrats will lose the battle but they will win the war. I am sorry to tell my fellow Conservatives that there will be a Single Payer System in America. This is what happens when you have "Sellout " Republicans in your party.

1 comment:

  1. You can't trust Snowe and Collins because they are moderate Republicans who beleive in governmet programs.
