Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chicago Kids Dying In The Streets, Obama Off To Copenhagen

With one of the most heinous crimes in Chicago Public School history when a honor student Derrion Albert was beaten to death by a bunch of thug gang members because he would not join there criminal gang. There is a teenage murder epidemic in the City Of Chicago Public Schools with 36 murders this year and that is approximately 1 murder every week of a teenager in the City Of Chicago which out paces any other major city in America. President Obama has more pressing issues on his agenda he is flying off to Copenhagen, Denmark to try and bring the 2016 Summer Olympics to the City Of Chicago. This President who has adopted Chicago as his hometown but he, would rather fly to Denmark than use his bully pulpit to speak about the surge of violence in the Chicago Public School System. The President who was a former Community Activist should use his so-called skills to rally these inner-city communities to stop the rampant violence in there communities. This President has shown Americans that he has a warped sense of priorities on his agenda last week. President would rather go on David Letterman Show than speak to his Commander Gen. McChystal about the surge in troops needed to win the war in Afghanistan. President Obama would rather fly to Copenhagen with Oprah than make a special appearance at the Chicago Public school where Derrion Albert attended and tell the children this type of thug mentality will not be tolerated anymore in our public schools. President Obama has enough on his agenda from health care, economy and two wars so, why is he, gallivanting all over the world to get the Olympics to come to Chicago. This President needs to sit down in Oval Office and roll up sleeves and start doing some hands on work when it comes to solving the fundamental problems that Aile the American economy.


  1. This what you get when you elect a Hollywood President.

  2. I think you're being petty. Obama was out of the country for all of 24 hours, trying to bring the Olympics to Chicago, I might add, which would bring jobs and prestige to that city.
