Wednesday, August 5, 2009

White House "Snitch" On Americans Who Hate On Obamacare

I thought that Rep. Ron Paul, Art Bell, Alex Jones and George Noory were crazy when they talked about conspiracy theories and federal governmant but, when I heard that former ABC Correspondent Linda Douglass and White House Media Spin Team want Americans to start "Snitching" on there "Fellow Americans" because of the view on Obamacare has became troubling and frightening. They want Americans call or forward e-mail to the White House so, they can debunk any criticism of the White House Health Care Plan. The White House is actually advocating that American citizens break the law by ignoring the Privacy Act. This precedent let's federal government average citizens harass American citizens. The Obama Administration has serious problem with mob rule protesting they should start with ACORN who Obama represented as legal counsel. Obama calls on his "ACORN Thugs" when he wants to threaten corporate America to support his socialist economic policies. The President has decided to unleash his "Chicago Gangster Thugs" on his opponents because, they don't agree with his ridiculous bloated health care plan. There are Democratic Strategist like Lanny Davis who are asking fellow Americans to investigate and prosecute protesters to see if they are being paid by Republican operatives. This White House is starting act like the Third Reich by unleashing there brownshirts on the American people. They are trying to silence there opponents like Hugo Chavez in Venezuela with these thug like tactics. Finally. when Democrats protest it is called activism. When Conservatives protest it is called mob rule. This Is The Change We All Can Believe In.

1 comment:

  1. The Obama Administration is starting to act like a third world dictatorship.
