Saturday, August 29, 2009

Obama, Watson, Waters And Hate America Coalition

The longtime leaders of failed African-American political and social policies Diane Watson and Maxine Waters are part of the "Hate America Coalition". They are part of coalition within the African-American Community that have well known members President Obama, Louis Farrkhan, Van Jones, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Charles Rangel, John Conyers and hundreds of community organizations. These influential individuals teach young African-Americans to hate America because of the past history of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of segregation. This so-called liberal leadership in the African-American community blame all there social and economic problems in the African-American community on the evil white man. The problems in the African-American community around this nation are so bad when it comes drug addiction, murder, teenage pregnancy, divorce and unemployment they have no choice but to blame the "White Man" because they don't have any answers to theses serious problems that face the African-American Community. This so-called liberal leadership has failed the African-American community always use race-baiting politics when they are in serious political or criminal trouble outside the African American Community. When President Obama, Rep. Charles Rangel, Jesse Jackson, Marion Berry and Sharpe James are in trouble the first words there supporters invoke is that you are "Racist" if you happen to question there corrupt leadership. This is constantly used to protect African-American political and social leadership from any type of criticism from Republican and Conservative organizations. The average American who disagree with this African-American leadership are silenced because they don't want to be called as a racist in there local communities. These members of the "Hate America Coalition" have destroyed the African-American community because they have given our youth a get of jail free card for the negative criminal and social behavior. Therefore, if you sell drugs and are caught you blame the white man for not giving you the opportunities to be successful in life. This was the attitude I had until a light went on inside my head when I asked myself a simple question. I have never seen any white man steal, rape or murder anyone inside the African-American community. The economic and social problems are within the African-American community can only be solved with new competent leadership that will be held accountable for there actions. We have a bunch of socialist nutcases like Charles Rangel, Al Sharpton, John Conyers, Diane Watson and Maxine Waters who are not held accountable for there actions and this why we have chaos in the African-American Community. The African-American Community is full Poverty Pimps and Race Hustlers who make millions of dollars selling books about how bad the white man has treated African-Americans in the past. President Obama the hero of African-Americans all around the country could not "Change" the conditions of African-Americans in Chicago. The Windy City is gripped with a serious crime wave that has affected the African-American community. President Obama did not come up with any economic or social policies that has changed the conditions in the African-American community where children can not even go outside and play in there own neighborhood because of the constant gun battles in the streets. There are families who sleep in the bathtub in Chicago inner-city neighborhoods because they are scared that they might be hit by a stray bullet. There is racism in American and around the world but you can not let it paralyze a whole community from be successful in America. The so-called African-American leadership for the last 50 years has had a fascination with Dictators like Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez because they feel as though there could some economic reparations from a socialist style system. Finally, I know that you have probably seen the Diane Watson YouTube Video where she compared Communist Leader Fidel Castro a attorney to President Obama who is also a attorney. These clowns have a sick fascination of President Obama becoming a Communist dictator in America who can affect "Change" With socialist policies. I am telling Conservatives all around the country that you will be called a racist every time you disagree with President Obama but, don't be afraid to voice your opinion against a devout socialist who is trying to destroy America.


  1. Thank You for writing this article because I am a closet African- American Conservative I feel the same way about the incompetent leadership that has destroyed the African-American Community.

  2. Interesting article.

    Recently I had some down time and was watching TV and flipping channels. I came across a show that was some sort of convention for men; as I watched I noticed that the large percentage of the men in the audience were African American. One of the speakers was a preacher named T.D. Jakes. I really appreciated that Jakes and the other African American preachers at that convention offered positive leadership and inspiration.

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