Thursday, July 9, 2009

Obama Approval Rating Slipping Fast

President Obama approval rating is starting to slip after the first six months of his Presidency. A recent poll from Quinnipiac University, published last week, shows that while the public overall has a less favorable view of Obama, since his inauguration, the mood about how the nation is doing has improved in the first five months. While Obama disapproval rating has increased over -up to 8-10 since his inauguration. His approval has remained relatively steady at 57-33. Those who like President Obama the most are African-Americans, Women and Democrats still like him by the same margins, but a chunk of voters who were undecided have decided that he is not there cup of tea. Among Independents, men, white Catholics, white Evangelicals, and Republicans his numbers have fallen. He still has a ways to go before his coalition becomes politically unstable, but there are some group issues, especially the economy, where he needs make sure this trend does not continue. The poll released Wednesday shows that fewer Independent voters support 52-37 percent compared to 57-30 in January. However, voters overwhelming support Obama nomination of of Justice Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court 54-26 evidence that GOP opposition has had minimal impact. Meanwhile, on the economy Americans have a more positive view. While only one percent says the economy is doing excellent, 7 percent says the economy is doing good, 44 percent says not so good, and 47 percent classify it as poor. The good news for President Obama is that he is running ahead of where he was on election day in November. The bad news is that the prospects for building a bipartisan governing coalition appear to ebbing. The two areas of potential concern for the White House are voters declining of Obama handling of the economy and a lack of majority support on his health care plan. President Obama still gets 52-42 percent approval on handling the economy. there are several pols where President Obama approval rating on handling the economy has slipped under 50 percent. Finally, Americans ares still trying to let President Obama economic polices flow through the economy before they cast a no confidence vote in his administration. The President stimulus package has until Labor Day see some signs of turning around the economy before you see those approval ratings slip under 50 percent.

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