Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rep. Conyers, ACORN And Corruption

After calling for hearings on the serious accusations that ACORN had committed crimes ranging from voter fraud to mob style protection racket. Rep. John Conyers backed off plans to investigate the organization. Mr. Conyers told the Washington Times the "the powers that be decided against it" Later a spokesperson for Conyers the Chairmen had been referring to himself as the powers "the power that be" Apparently, Rep. Conyers takes the American people for fools in making such a remark. Questions such as to the truth who the powers were, for example the White House, or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are being asked. Michael Steele, Spokesman for House Minority Leader John Boehner, said Chairman Conyers has the responsibility to explain who is blocking the investigation and Why? Who in congress is blocking the investigation into ACORN and covering up ACORN corruption. It is no wonder pressure was put on Conyers not to hold the hearings. Obviously, it would have rekindled the criticism and financial ties and close cooperation between President Obama campaign and ACORN and it sister organization after he, paid them $800,000 to register voters. ACORN and it's Affiliates are under investigation in 14 states related to voter fraud in the election and a "RICO ACT" complaint filed by former ACORN members. Mr. Conyers has frequently defended ACORN and had previously complained about a FBI voter fraud investigation against the organization. Apparently, he has joined the growing list of Democrats, such as Rep. John Murtha and Viscoklsy that being looked at with suspicion of tainted behavior. Finally, ACORN are the foot soldiers for the Obama Administration and their is no way there will be a Congressional Investigation into ACORN. The only way there will be a investigation is if the republicans take back Congress 2012.

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