Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The American people are starting to buy into "Socialism" because, of the bad economy in America. The President Of The United States is selling Chicago style politics to the American people during this economic crisis. The President is basically trying to payoff every American who has some type of financial problem so, they will be dependent on the Federal Government. There are Millions of Americans with financial problems and President Obama is using this economic crisis to promote Socialism. President Obama repeated invocation of imminent catastrophe to Pass the "Socialist Recovery Act Of 2009" and that has been useful in getting some politicians and some in the public to go along with these Socialist programs they might otherwise oppose. The President is tearing down the economy so, that he can implement his "New Socialist Revolution". The Liberal Socialist Media keep telling Americans everyday how popular President Obama is in American so, that means that Congress should follow the "Messiah" and create a whole "New American Socialist Society". The Liberal Socialist Media is not telling you that President Obama Approval Ratings is the same as President G.W. Bush a month into his Presidency. This is only the beginning of Socialism if the Federal Government Nationalize the Banks, Health Care System and Auto Industry you can kiss America goodbye as a functioning Democracy. President Obama has layed down the ground work by turning the American people against the Capitalist System with his doom and gloom speeches. The President knows that more the Stock Market drops the more the American people will hate the Capitalist System and turn to his alternative system and that is Socialism. Finally, "Socialism 101" seems to be working so, far on the American people but there are Millions of Americans who will not put up with Socialism in America and there will be eventually "New American Revolution".

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