Tuesday, February 10, 2009


The theory of the "Collective Whole Instead Of The individual" was started almost a Hundred Years Ago in the Old Soviet Union. The theory of the Collective whole was tried in the small North American country called Cuba only 90 miles away from the United States. In both instances the theory of Communism and Socialism has failed in both countries. The leadership of Stalin and Castro eventually drove Soviet Union and Cuba into bankruptcy and depression. The theory that the Government is the answer to all questions is one of the biggest lies in world history. I want to ask all my blog readers a question is there anywhere in world history where Communism and Socialism has been successful. The United States Government and our Capitalist System is at a Crossroads and the Leader of our great nation President Obama is turning to a failed policy called "Socialism". President Obama feels that the only way we can get out of this Recession is by using the Government to stimulate the economy. President Obama believes that the Free Enterprise system cannot lead out of this recession because, of the economic failures of the past eight years. Therefore, President Obama and his Merry Band Of Socialist Bandits is using this economic crisis to introduce Socialism to the American people.. The President and the Democratic Congress is slowly driving the American economy into Government control and out of the hands Private Ownership. If you read history any critical observation of Socialism and Communism has failed in Europe and Africa. I want to take a quick look at history after World War Two when Europe decided to adopt Socialism and the United States adopted the theory of Capitalism. The United States economy grew at tremendous rate while, the European Economies remained flat because there was no incentive for the people to become entrepreneurs because the State took care of all there basic social needs to survive. The United States became the world greatest Economic and Military power because we did not adopt Socialism. President Obama is preaching a "Feel Good Type Socialism" that 60% of Americans will buy into because most Americans want someone to take care of them from the cradle to the grave. The Nationalization of the Banks and Health Care system is the heart of making the United States a socialist country. The Government has already invested Billions Dollars in some Banks and are now telling them how to run those banks from Washington. Furthermore, yesterday we find out from Betsy Machagey former LT. Governor Of New York that Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid tried to sneak through there Socialist Health Care Package in the 850 page Stimulus Bill. This would be the beginning of European Style Health Care System in the United States. Finally, I am not surprised that President Obama is using this economic crisis to introduce Socialism to the American People. The American people are desperate for jobs and Health care and the President is selling his policies to a willing and desperate public. The President is a great speaker and he will probably convince the majority of Americans this is the only way we can get out of this recession. WELCOME TO THE BRAVE NEW WORLD OF AMERICAN SOCIALISM.

1 comment:

  1. Thank You for saying just how plain the truth is. When will the blinders come off?
