Sunday, February 15, 2009


President Obama and the Democratic Congress have changed the rules when it comes to the welfare to work requirements in the "Socialist Recovery Act Of 2009". This measure singed by President Clinton and passed by a Republican Congress helped put millions of people back to work. This was one of the truly great accomplishments of the Clinton Administration. This measure gave millions of Americans on Welfare five years to get a education or seek employment before they were cast of the welfare rolls. The former Mayor Of New York Rudy Giuliani had millions of New York residents on Welfare and he, required a work requirement to receive Welfare benefits. The program that Mayor Giuliani started had a simple requirement that you must spend 20 hrs. a week working for the city or community organization to receive your welfare benefits. This helped revitalize New York City by cleaning up the majority of the city and giving much needed help to community organizations. This also, gave the people who were receiving welfare benefits for decades the push they needed to finally, go out and get there own job. The Mayor was called heartless and racist by liberal community organizations but, the program worked and thousands dropped of the welfare rolls in New York City. This saved New York millions of dollars that could be spent on the re-building of New York City. President Obama has only been in office for four weeks and he, is establishing a "New Welfare State". This new legislation will make it acceptable for Americans to be on the welfare for decades and there will be no work requirements. This is President Obama new "Socialist America". President Obama will make a large majority of the American people dependent of the Federal Government for there basic goods and services and he, truly believes they always vote for the Democratic Party because, they gave them the free benefits. The President has launched his 2012 campaign making sure that all his socialist supporters get everything they need in the early months of his administration. This means that his base will always support him 100% and they will campaign for him in 2012 to keep the federal flow of dollars coming to there socialist organizations. This is Chicago style politics at it best in Washington. Finally, there are millions of Americans who were laid off from there jobs in the past year. These hard working Americans deserve welfare and unemployment benefits until there is a turnaround in the American economy. The American people support giving these Americans benefits because, as soon as they can get a job they will go back to work. The American people will not accept a "European" style welfare state where you can receive a check every month for the rest of your life and not work. Hey! THIS IS CHANGE WE ALL CAN BELEIVE IN.

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