Tuesday, January 6, 2009


It has only been two months since, President Elect Obama won the general election and all hell has broken lose in the Democratic Party. The New Obama Democratic Party is full criminals and cheaters and they are some of his best friends. Hey! lets start with one of his best political friends in Illinois Gov. Rod Blagoveich who is under investigation for selling President-Elect Obama Senate Seat. President-Elect Obama was Rod Blagoveich campaign manger when he was first elected Governor of Illinois and one of his closet allies. President-Elect Obama knew that he was under investigation back in 2006 but he, still supported his re-election as Governor. President-Elect Obama best ally in helping him defeat the Clinton Machine Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico is under investigation by a Grand Jury for political contributions and other wrongdoings. President-Elect Obama still nominated this clown as Commerce Secretary one of the most important jobs in the Federal government. I want to know what happen to the Obama Transition Team vetting process which is being called perfect by the liberal socialist media. We have some funny business going up in Minnesota with the Franken-Coleman recount where the Franken and the Democratic Party is stealing a election right in front of our eyes. This helps explain why 25 precincts now have more ballots than voters that signned in to vote stated by the Wall Street Journal. Therefore, by some estimates that Franken has netted a extra 80 to 100 votes. This is my favorite because, it is the gift that keeps on giving and that is the United States Senate trying to stop Ronald Burris from being seated as Senator of Illinois. Gov. Rod Blagoveich legally as Governor appointed Burris as Senator so, how can the United States Senate use rules committee stop a man honorable man from being seated as Senator. The United States Senate under Harry Reid is breaking the law and there needs to be protests against the Senates criminal action. Finally, the new New Obama Democratic party has been drunk with power ever since he, was elected President. I hope that this is not serious of problems that will affect his administration during these troubled times in American History. Hey! you know that i want the world to know the true nature of the Democratic Party.

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