Thursday, January 8, 2009


The United States majority leader "KING HARRY REID" refuses to seat Ronald Burris until he receives a signature from the Secretary Of State of Illinois Jesse White. King Harry has to know the law and the law states that he, does not need a signature because, he was appointed by Governor Blago. The Secretary of State only certifies a lawful election in the state of Illinois. Harry Reid and Sen. Dick Durbin look like to clowns on national television trying to stop a man good from getting his seat in Congress. Therefore, do you think that King Harry would ask the "Queen Caroline Kennedy" for her certification papers on national television. King Harry would stand up and fight for her seat in the United States Senate. King Harry and his racist statements about how Ronald Burris has a good family and he has College degrees. King Harry you thought that maybe you were getting a member of the crips to you join your all White Senators Club. Ronald Burris is more qualified to be Senator than Caroline Kennedy and President-Elect Obama put together. If I was Ronald Burris I would have never met with this clown because he, insulted my intelligence and my qualifications. Finally, I think that America is in some serious trouble with "King Harry, Nancy Pelosi and President-Elect Obama in charge of the political process because it seems like they have no respect for the rule of law that governs our nation.

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