Friday, January 9, 2009


It is time for King Harry Reid to seat Ronald Burris as Senator of Illinois. The Illinois Supreme Court has said that the Senate does not need the signature of Jesse White the Secretary Of State Of Illinois to Seat Burris as Junior Senator of Illinois. King Harry needs to swallow his pride and seat Burris before this turns into a huge racial issue with the African-American Community. Sen. Dick Durbin needs to step aside and keep his mouth shut before he gets slap down by the Congressional Black Caucus. King Harry is acting like he is the "Gatekeeper" to the United States Senate but he, has to understand that Ronald Burris was lawfully appointed by a sitting Governor of Illinois who had the power under the Illinois Constitution to pick Ronald Burris as Senator. "King Harry" is willing to seat "Crazy Ass" Al Fraken before he gives Ronald Burris his rightful seat as Senator. The way this playing out in the African-American Community is that they are putting Ronald Burris through a thousand hoops before he, can become a United States Senator. This would have never happened if this was one of "King Harry" choices he would have rubber stamped Gov. Blago appointment and said in front of a national television audience that it was a good choice to be the next Junior Senator Of Illinois. Therefore, could you imagine if the Republicans stopped Ronald Burris for entering the United States Senate there would have been Civil Rights protest outside the Capital Building in Washington everyday. The Liberal Media would be calling the Republicans racists and everything else under the sun, moon and stars. Finally, I am tired of the Liberal Socialist Media protecting there favorite politicians because they support there Liberal Socialist policies. There are plenty of people who said that the American Media died in the 2008 Presidential Election and they were telling the truth.

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