Saturday, November 22, 2008


The truth has to be told that there will never be a woman President in our lifetime. The glass ceiling in America remains firmly in place and you can expect the next few Presidents to be men. The glass ceiling was touched by Sen. Clinton as she won 18 million votes and came up 200 delegates short of becoming the Democratic Presidential nominee. Sen. Clinton was mistreated by the mainstream media and mostly by men and with the help of the Obama Campaign who unfairly casted Sen. Clinton as traveling do-nothing First Lady. Gov. Palin never came close to breaking the glass ceiling because, the Obama campaign and the mainstream media attacked her, as soon as she was nominated for Vice President Of The United States. Gov. Palin was ridiculed by the mainstream media and called incompetent even though she was voted one of the most successful Governors in the United States. The only difference between Sen. Clinton and Gov. Palin is there different political views but, they were both scorned and ridiculed by the mainstream media because, they were women who wanted the most prestigious job in the world. The way Sen. Clinton and Gov. Palin were treated by the mainstream media as they talked openly on nightly talk shows about there clothing and how they raised there children because, they were seeking the highest office in he land. Therefore, in this historic campaign nobody asked President-elect Obama about how he, raised his kids or how much money he spent on his custom made suits he wore during the campaign. The mainstream media questioned Sen. Clinton and Gov. Palin Qualifications but, they both were more qualified than President-elect Obama but, he happened to be African-America and a man and that is more sexy to the mainstream media. The glass ceiling in politics has a long way to go before it is broken because you first have to start with the sexist in the mainstrea media. The nomination of Sen. Clinton as Secretary Of State will not help crack the glass ceiling window because, she will be the third woman to hold the position . This is not the proper launching pad to become, the next President Of the United States. Finally, in the next 25 years you will be hard pressed to find a woman that in politics today who will ascend to the presidency in our lifetime.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


This word "Change" seemed to be the centerpiece of President-Elect Obama campaign but, as soon a he was elected President it seems like he, is going back to the same old politicians who helped destroy America from it's greatness. The new Obama Administration seems to be filled with Clinton Administration appointees and now he, is even willing to bring in Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton as Secretary Of State. This is the same crowd that brought us plenty of scandals during the second half of the Clinton Administration and a impeachment of President Clinton. President-Elect Obama just nominated Eric Holder as Attorney General Of The United States and he, was part of the Janet Reno Justice Department that was one of the worst Justice Department in American History. President-Elect Obama has to be kidding me with all these Clinton Administration appointments because, that does make a serious "Change" at all to the way the American political system is run in America. Obama picked Former Minority Leader Tom Daschle as Health And Human Services Secretary and he, is one of the biggest lobbyist in Washington today. The Liberal Media is saying that President-elect Obama is gathering a "Team Of Rivals" but, I see the same Washington Insiders that will pander to the lobbyist and create more problems for the American economy. I think that the future Obama Administration is not looking as good a the Liberal Media is portraying it to the American people. The Liberal Media has a lot of money and time invested in the Obama Administration and what ever he, says or does he will be applauded by the Liberal Media. Finally, I ask the American people were is the "Change" in the appointees of the Obama Administration. If you wanted all these former Clinton Administration appointees you should of elected Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton as President or changed the Constitution and re-elected President William Jefferson Clinton for a third term as President Of The United States.President-Elect Obama talked about "Change" but, all you got is the same record and the same song.

Monday, November 17, 2008


In Afghanistan a British aid worker was gunned down by the Taliban in Kabul because she, was a Christian. Gayle Williams was shot down by two members of the Taliban who were riding on a motorbike in the capital city of Kabul. Gayle Williams was shot down in popular part of the city where christian missionaries live while, helping the people of Afghanistan. The witnesses of the crime said that she was shot six times and fell in a pool of blood. The "Taliban Thugs" raced up to he on there motorbike and shot her at point blank range and raced off the crime scene. This is the first time a international aid worker was killed in Afghanistan since. 2001. The Taliban said that they carried out the murder of the aid worker because, they said that Ms. Williams was trying to convert people to Christianity. Ms. Williams was working for a Christan based organization called "Serve Afghanistan" and the staff working for the relief program insists that the are not trying to convert anyone to Christianity. Mike Lyth the Chairman of the London based organization said that Ms. Williams was working with disabled children, blind children and deaf children hurt and mamed by the fighting in Afghanistan. Finally, her fellow workers paid tribute to Gayle Williams by expressing theses words that Ms. Williams was "Selfless" person who spent her time and energy helping others in need.