Monday, July 22, 2013

Rev. Al. Sharpton "Rent A Clown Inc" Just For The Money

Judi McLeod - Like the long ago Stella of movie fame, President Barack Obama seems to be losing his groove with his own dissident army of low information voters on the race riot march.
Proof of Obama’s gargantuan groove dive: At Friday’s White House press conference:  “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.”  Obama-style one upmanship after saying: “If I had a son he would look like Trayvon”.
This should have been all that Rev. Al Sharpton needed to take millions of protesters to the streets in the beginning of what originally looked like an America lost to massive racial unrest.
Instead, Sharpton, like Obama fizzled out.
The reason why Race Riots 101 failed before the horses were even let out of the gate?
One of the progressives’ favourite words: “Sustainability”.
You can’t sustain race riot passion with leaders three times removed from afar.  Protesters called to 100 American cities over the weekend know that Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Company rake in money as the CEOs of ‘Rent-a-RabbleRousers Inc.’  Worse,  the average hoodie-wearing protester has to go home and face the music sooner than later.  Their wives and mothers waiting it out at home will want to know what they have done about coming up with baby’s diapers and the rent money.
They’ll likely get a frying pan upside the head if they say “We did it for Al and Barack”.  They can already hear the strains of Peggy Lee singing, ‘Get Out of Here and Get Me Some Money Too’.

It’s really hard to maintain momentum for a race riot when you know your protest’s chief provoker will be off on his annual summer holiday to Martha’s Vineyard in a $7.6-million mansion within the next two and a half weeks.  Hard too, to sustain outrage and anger, when you can see your main protest organizer fizzling out before your very eyes.
Protesters may have promised their loved ones big pictures from the protest front, but that blankety-blank Sharpton gave all the photo ops to Jay-Z and Beyonce.
Blankety-blank Sharpton has also made it harder to stage next week’s Justice for Travyon protest with any noticeable success. 
Here it is Monday morning and no mainstream media stories about the millions who took to the streets in 100 American cities, under Sharpton’s control.
Instead we have the big news of a flower that smells like human corpses about to take bloom in the U.S. Botanic Garden next to the U.S. Capitol and what popular pundit Matthew Vadum describes as the coming right royal birth: “America’s going to hell—oh look! There’s a royal baby coming!”
The end of the first round of Trayvon protests should be recorded as, “You can’t count on Al Sharpton for success”.
Perhaps Rev. Sharpton will be safely and conveniently MIA over the next few days.

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