Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Unemployment Rate 28.9% In Detriot, Obama Stimulus Plan Utter Failure

The unemployment rate in the City Of Detroit rose to 28.9% in July. The highest unemployment rate since Michigan started keeping keeping modern numbers, according to the Michigan Department Of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth. 113,008 people in Detroit are without jobs, 277,815 are currently working. Despite State-Run-Media News of a so-called improving economy many residents of Michigan have not felt the Impact of President Obama 787 Billion Stimulus Bill. The state of Michigan has the highest unemployment rate in the nation 15%. Other large cities in Michigan are extremely Challenges as well. The City Of Highland Park had a 36% unemployment rate in July, Pontiac 35% and Flint 28%. The President stimulus plan has been a utter failure for the people who need the help the most in America's major inner-cities. The President said, "On David Letterman that his stimulus plan was a tourniquet to stop the bleeding of lost jobs. The President also, said that his stimulus plan created or saved 1.5 million jobs in America. This is the first time any administration has used these types of employment statistics to justify the spending 787 Billion Dollars of the taxpayers money. President Obama needs to get his priorities straight and start creating some jobs instead of trying to sell Obamacare to the American people.

1 comment:

  1. Stimulus Bil was a payoff to the unions and community organizations.
