Friday, September 18, 2009

Race Hustlers And Political Pimps

I knew as a African-American Conservative as soon as Barack Obama was elected President Of The United States that anytime he ran into political trouble with his domestic or foreign policies and it was not accepted widely by the majority of the American voting population that they would be called "Racist". This is "Standard Operational Procedure" by most African-American politicians when they are in social or political bind. The liberal state run media refuses to report that President Obama did not write the 787 billion dollar Stimulus Bill. The Apollo Alliance wrote the bill that so, many Americans believe is a waste of taxpayers dollars. The President passed Cap-And-Trade legislation that will basically, destroy the manufacturing and industrial sector of the American economy. This means that millions of Americans will lose jobs trying to satisfy the Environmental left in America. The President version of Health Care Reform is a complete debacle and the American people see this legislation as a turn to Socialized Health Care in America. Therefore, white liberals like Maureen Dowd, President Carter and Chris Matthews are stoking the fire for African-Americans to hate Conservatives and Republicans because they have a honest disagreement with President Obama failed policies. The last two years any criticism of President Obama by his opponents have been declared racism without any real response by the Clinton Campaign or Republicans. The Obama Administration and the state run media are use to making these false accusations of racism to protect the "Messiah" when he is in some serious trouble. The racism accusation is used to marginalize Republicans and Conservatives so, they are not taken seriously by the majority of the American population. This is a tactic used by liberals to put fear in Conservative dissent because, they know that the Average American does not want to be called a racist by there fellow Americans. Finally, I am telling Conservatives all across America keep the pressure on President Obama and Democrats because when they call you a racists they are waving the white flag of surrender when it comes to Obamacare. This tactic is only used when they can't win the battle of ideas with the majority of the American people. President Obama, Democrats and State-Run Media are nothing more than a bunch of "Race Hustlers And Political Pimps".


  1. Thank You, for writing this blog article about race because I agree with you 100%.

  2. They are clowns as you like to call them Wayward...thank you for your intellectual honesty and unwavering commitment to truth!
