Monday, September 28, 2009

More School Children Praise Obama And State In Indoctrination Video

Last week in New Jersey School Children were forced to sing a song worshiping President Obama adapted from a religious hymn called "Jesus Loves The Little Children". Now another song has emerged, this time elevating Obama status to Martin Luther King Jr. According to a note accompanying the video on YouTube, the song was recorded in 2008 shortly after Obama won the 2008 Presidential election. The teacher wrote the following: Obama's victory opened the minds to the possibility that they one day could be commander in Chief. This is another nail in the coffin of our public school system which is basically used to indoctrinate our children into there left wing socialist agenda. This Obama worship is going on all across America in our public school classrooms and it needs to be stop by parents in there local school districts. This is why it is so, important that you ask your children everyday what did you learn in school today because, these left-wing teachers might be indoctrinating your child with something that is against your moral and social values.

1 comment:

  1. I am not surprises because all you hear about in our city public shcool system is President Obama. Thank you for your blog article
