Friday, March 6, 2009


The unemployment rate is at a 25 year high and we have lost 3.3 million jobs over the last six months. President Obama has made a fundamental mistake by trying to tax the rich during a recession. The Key to the "Reagan Revolution" is that he, unleashed capitalism by dropping taxes to the lowest levels in the history of this great nation. President Reagan and his Administration gained confidence of Wall Street by lowering capital gains taxes and Corporate taxes early in his Presidency. President Reagan created 21 million jobs and that is the biggest job creation by any President in the history of our nation. President Obama is going the opposite direction by taxing Americans who are the achievers in small business and who create the jobs for everyday Americans. This President is a "Old School Democrat" who believes that the more people are dependent on the federal government the more they will vote Democrat. This President loves that unemployment is at a 25 year high and a record 31 million people are on Food Stamps because this is the crisis that gives his administration a opportunity to introduce "Socialism" to the American people. President Obama believes that everything should come out of the Central Government for example nationalizing banks, Health Care and Car Industry. This Socialist Plan that President Obama is trying to install in America has a no confidence vote from Wall Street and that is why the Stock Market is at its lowest levels in 25 years. President Obama is trying to be a populist but he, is destroying the capitalist system that helped build this great nation. President Obama Socialist Plan is Similar to that nutcase down in Venezuela named "Hugo Chavez" who controls every aspect of a bankrupt "Oil Rich" country. The key to Chavez rule is take care of all the under achievers because they will always vote for more government programs and services. It seems like President Obama has been reading his playbook and he is trying to create a "Chavez Socialist" welfare state in America. The American people are being hoodwinked by President Obama and the liberal socialist media into thinking that these policies will work in the long term. The library is open all across the country and tell me where one country on this earth where socialism has worked and made lives better for there individual citizens. Finally, instead of attacking Rush Limbaugh President Obama should spend some extra time in the library studying the failure of socialism around the world. I FORGOT HE DID WHILE AT COLUMBIA ,HARVARD,ACORN AND REV. WRIGHT CHURCH. DAMN! HE STILL BELEVIES IN SOCIALISM.

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