Monday, February 9, 2009


President Nancy Pelosi and her band of merry socialist bandits have done a excellent job getting there socialist agenda put into the Stimulus Bill. When the "Socialist Recovery Act Of 2009" came out the House Side the Stimulus Bill price tag was 830 Billion Dollars. The so, called compromise with the Three "Sellout" Republicans have the Stimulus Bill estimated at between 780-830 billion dollars. This means that President Pelosi and her merry band of socialist bandits got at least 75% of there agenda put into the Stimulus Package. This means that the Democrats have created 20 new Federal programs that will be in the Federal budget for the next four years. The Three "Sellout" Republicans Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and Arlen Spector who are voting for this Stimulus Bill exercised the first rule of politicis when they voted for this Stimulus Package make sure you get re-elected. The pressure on these three Senators was extremely, strong because President Obama won there states by a large margin in November. President Pelosi has told her band of merry socialist bandits that the cuts that the Senate has made can be put back into the Stimulus Bill during the House and Senate Conference meeting on the Stimulus Bill. This means that the price tag of the Stimulus Bill to the American people will not go down it will actually, go up after the Left-Wing Socialist in the Democratic Party get their hands on the final version of the Stimulus Bill. This is the crowning achievement of President Pelosi career because the Left-Wing of the Democratic Party has waited for 50 years to establish a strong European Socialist agenda in America. The Left-Wing is on there way to Nationalizing the banks and controlling the Car Industry in America. Finally, President Obama has been AWOL as President Of The United States because, the most important Bill of his Presidency he did not write a word in the Stimulus Bill. This should finally prove to the American people that President Obama was not ready to be President of this great country. This Stimulus Package should be targeted for infrastructure and taxes to revive the American economy. The Stimulus Bill should cost about 500 billion dollars. "My parents use to tell me if you are not going to do it right don't do it at all". Therefore, KILL THE STIMULUS BILL.

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