Saturday, January 31, 2009


The Left-Wing is back at it again with there hateful rhetoric calling Rush Limbaugh a "Corpulent Drug Addict" while on CNN Anchor Wolf Blitzer Show. The Clinton hate machine headed by Paul Begala is 100% behind the President Obama and they are trying to isolate Conservative Talk Show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity so, they can destroy the Conservative movement. Wolf Blitzer was talking about the new Head of the RNC Micheal Steele and this clown Begala goes after Rush Limbaugh for not supporting President Obama Stimulus Plan. The "Polticio Piece" says the Obama Administration Chief Of Staff Rahm Emanuel is having daily briefing sessions with Begala, Carville and Stephanopoulos about how they can package President Obama Stimulus Package to the American people. Therefore, could you imagine if President McCain was having daily Briefing session with Karl Rove this would be front page news in the "New York Criminal Times". The Liberal media would be saying that Fox News is now controlling the White House. The liberal Blogs would be going crazy trying to get a clear explanation from the McCain Administration. This is the new Obama Democratic Party which sends political "HitMen" out to destroy there enemies in the Republican Party without any dirt on President Obama. Welcome to "Change We All Can Beleive In" America.

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