Monday, December 8, 2008


President-Elect Obama used the word "Change" to get elected President Of The United States, but the only thing that he, has changed so far is bringing in his Ivy League elitist Friends to Washington to help him make policy for this country. President- Elect Obama is going back to the same well of academics that got us into this economic crisis. The same Ivy League graduates who are the so, called best and brightest gave us the "Dot.Com bubble and Housing Crisis" that has put this country on the brink of a depression. President-Elect Obama did not go outside the box and get some average Americans who are successful and did not go to Ivy League Schools. I know that he, appointed a couple of people who graduated from the University Of Chicago, Georgetown and Michigan but, most of his appointees have no idea how the rest of America lives. This why Conservatives rail against Ivy league academics because, they resent the rest of Americas family values and the consider them to be the past not the future. President-Elect Obama has to understand that going to these Ivy League Schools does not mean that you are always going to get the best advice. President Kennedy used the same Methodology and we got the Vietnam war from the best and the brightest. These Ivy League appointees have a different agenda and that is they want to change America into a secular progressive country. This should not be the goal of the Obama administration. Finally, I don't know if President-Elect Obama is correct in hiring his Ivy League friends but, it would have been nice to see some college graduates from State Universities that would have had hands on experience with average Americans struggles in there daily lives.

1 comment:

  1. i did a story simalar to this the other day and the same old story, where have all the conserative people gone?
    My news agency will pick up on this story later today. I will write a follow up for todays confrence.
    My staff has been on the story of the man in Mississippi getting ate by a giant gator all day today.
