Saturday, August 30, 2014

Federal Gov't Warn Americans Of Terror Threat On U.S. Border

According to high level sources, ISIS terrorist are operating in Ciudad Juarez on the border across from the city of El Paso, Texas.
The sources state ISIS operatives will use vehicle born improvised explosive devices in the attacks. Homeland Security, Justice and Defense Department agents have been placed on high alert “and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat,” Judicial Watch reports.
The attack is “coming very soon” the high-level source warned. It is speculated an attack will happen on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.
“An attack is so imminent that the commanding general at Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army post in El Paso, is being briefed, another source confirms. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) did not respond to multiple inquiries from Judicial Watch, both telephonic and in writing, about this information,” reports Judicial Watch.
Last week a former CIA covert operations officer, Mike Baker, said on the Laura Ingraham Show he believes there is “a lot of communication” between ISIS and Mexican drug cartels.
“We’ve had good intel over the years about al Qaeda, about their efforts to coordinate with, as an example, Mexican cartels… in an effort to try to exploit our southern border,” he said. He added that ISIS is well aware of the lack of security on the border and may take advantage of it.
Prior to Baker’s remarks, Rep. Ted Poe, a Texas Republican, said ISIS and Mexico’s notorious drug cartels communicate with each other.
"The drug cartels use the same operational plan as terrorist groups do… They kill their opponents, they behead their opponents, they brag about it and they have operational control of many portions of the southern border of the United States. They’re vicious as some of these other terrorist organizations,” Poe told Newsmax TV.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


The Internal Revenue Service destroyed former director Lois Lerner’s Blackberry, which contained the same e-mails as her hard drive the agency wiped, even though a Congressional inquiry into the IRS’s harassment of Tea Party groups was well underway.
The IRS never made any attempt to back up Lerner’s Blackberry before destroying it, and the agency even admitted the Blackberry “was removed or wiped clean of any sensitive or proprietary information and removed as scrap for disposal in June 2012,” months after Congress began investigating allegations that the tax agency was purposely harassing conservative and libertarian groups applying for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
“There is no record of any attempt by any IRS IT employee to recover data from any Blackberry device assigned to Lois Lerner in response to the Congressional investigations or this investigation,” Stephen Manning, Deputy Chief Information Officer for Strategy & Modernization, said according to the New York Observer.
The Blackberry was linked to Lerner’s official IRS e-mail account and thus contained the same e-mails Congress was seeking from her hard drive, which was likewise destroyed by the IRS a year prior to the destruction of the Blackberry.
Congress wanted the e-mails Lerner sent and received while she was still serving as the IRS’s Director of Exempt Organizations division, which reviewed the applications of political groups applying for tax-exempt status from the IRS.
The IRS also claimed the hard drives of 20 other tax officials who were likely also complicit in the harassment of Tea Party groups “crashed” at nearly the same time and were completely unrecoverable, but the odds against this exceed the billions of known stars in the universe.
“With a failure rate of 3.5% per year, per computer, the odds of any specific drive failing during a specific week, are 1 in 1000,” a commenter with the username Flyovercountry said on “For each computer added, the exponent increases by one. So, when the second specific computer needed went down at the precise moment it was needed, the odds of those two melting down in the manner described by [the IRS's] Congressional testimony became 1 in 1000 squared.”
“That’s how we get to where we are, with 19 [additional] computers, that’s 1000 raised to the nineteenth power,” he added.
And, numerically, 1000 to the 19th power is 1e+57, or 1 followed by 57 zeros, a number known as an “Octodecillion.”
“Let us further pretend that you’ve been counting since the proverbial Big Bang, some [13.8] billion years ago, [with] no breaks or vacations, no meals, and no sleeping, only counting has filled your time,” he continued. “You still, as of today would not have reached a number as large as 1e+57. In fact, you would need to replicate your effort to date another 317 quintillion times in order to reach your target.”
“Those are the odds that the IRS has claimed happened in a completely random manner.”tea party,Lois Lerner, IRS.

Federal Government More Of A Threat Threat Than ISIS

ISIS, now the self-proclaimed Islamic State or IS, represents “the greatest threat we’ve seen since 9/11,” McCaul warned on Sunday.
He characterized the alleged Foley beheading — now dismissed by many experts as a hoax — as a “turning point” requiring bombing raids in Syria and Iraq.
“We need to expand these air strikes so that we can ultimately defeat and eliminate ISIS, because I would far prefer to eliminate them over here than have to deal with them in the United States,” he said.
Increasingly, members of Congress are stating ISIS poses a threat to America.
On Friday, House Armed Services Committee Vice Chairman Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) said more than 3,000 members of ISIS have U.S. or European passports and may enter America undetected at any moment.
“The biggest fear is that there are 10,000 to 12,000 foreign fighters that have joined ISIS and various estimates but many of them have Western passports,” Thornberry told CNN.
Earlier this month California Democrat and the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dianne Feinstein, said ISIS will attack from within America.
“It has become clear that ISIL is recruiting fighters in Western countries, training them to fight its battles in the Middle East and possibly returning them to European and American cities to attack us in our backyard,” Feinstein said in a statement.
The Dismal Track Record of al-Qaeda Bombers
“They’re either American or they’re Western European passports. So they can come here to the United States homeland without a visa. And they can bring … what they’ve learned about bomb making and about assassinations with them here at home,” McCaul explained.
He added Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in Yemen to the threat. Coupled with ISIS, AQAP will be able to blow planes out of the sky, McCaul claimed.
He said the supposed threat includes “the traditional sort of Times Square bomber that we saw in New York.”
The Times Square “bomb” allegedly devised by Faisal Shahzad consisted of a hodgepodge of 5-gallon gas cans, firecrackers, propane tanks and a pressure cooker of the sort supposedly used in the Boston Marathon bombing.
Despite the fact Shahzad’s “bomb” was “low quality” — others insist it was not a bomb at all — law enforcement said the Pakistan-born resident of Bridgeport, Connecticut presented a serious danger and represented “a new terrorist model.”
The other failed bomb attack occurred on Christmas in 2009 when Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab caught his underwear on fire aboard Northwest Airlines 253 over Detroit on a flight from the Netherlands.
Abdulmutallab’s “bomb,” described as plastic explosives, was purportedly supplied by AQAP’s “innovative” bomb-maker, Ibrahim al-Asiri. The media reported al-Asiri worked for Anwar al-Awlaki, the American imam who dined at the Pentagon prior to the 9/11 attacks and was reportedly killed along with his teenage son in a drone attack in Yemen.
Cops More Deadly Than Terrorists
“The Ferguson incident has exposed the underbelly of the United States and now everyone is starting to pay attention that there is a higher risk of being killed by police even when they chase or shoot at people who need not be you. The risk is 800% greater that you will be killed by POLICE rather than a terrorist,” writes Martin Armstrong.
“But that is not the half of it. Since 911, the police have killed more people than the terrorists are claimed to have done in those attacks. It is getting to the point that if you see a policeman in the USA, you better try to move away.”
Micah Zenko, writing for The Atlantic, put it a different way — the average American is more likely to be killed by his or her own furniture than a terrorist.
“Of the 13,288 people killed by terrorist attacks last year, seventeen were private U.S. citizens, or .001 percent,” Zenko concluded in 2012 after studying the National Counter Terrorism Center report.
The report “should emphasize that an irrational fear of terrorism is both unwarranted and a poor basis for public policy decisions.”
However, minus this irrational fear and 24/7 corporate media coverage of ISIS and the alleged threat it poses to the homeland, it would be more difficult for the state to run its perpetual war on terrorism operation.
The state habitually predicates its NSA Stasi-like high-tech surveillance system on the manufactured and corporate media exaggerated fear of terrorists.
NSA surveillance and militarized cops represent key components of the emerging police state. Both feed off the contrived war on terror and its ever evolving list of scary enemies.