Saturday, July 14, 2012

African - American Enthusiam For Obama Slipping

Niall Stange - President Obama’s reelection campaign is making a determined and carefully calibrated effort to boost enthusiasm among black voters, a group that could swing the election in key battleground states.
Polls have Obama winning more than 90 percent of the black vote against Mitt Romney, but there are signs that the high African-American turnout that fueled his 2008 victories in North Carolina and Virginia could dissipate after the hard realities of the president’s first term.
The chances for depressed turnout are increased by the bad economy, which at its worst drove the unemployment rate for blacks above 16 percent and led to some disillusionment with the candidate of “hope and change.”

“An abstention from the polls is effectively a vote for Romney,” he said. “If there is only a minuscule drop-off [in turnout], it will spell trouble.”
The exit polls from the 2008 election show the high stakes for both campaigns. In Virginia — where Obama spoke on Friday to a predominantly African-American audience — one in five voters was black four years ago. Ninety-two percent of them pulled the lever to elect the nation’s first black president, and Obama won the state by a six-point margin.
In North Carolina, the final margin was even tighter — just one percentage point. Twenty-three percent of the voters in the Tar Heel State were African American, with 95 percent going for Obama.

The Obama campaign is moving aggressively to motivate black voters in the remaining months before the election. A tailored arm of the campaign, Operation Vote, is intended to bolster the president’s support among specific demographics, including women, Hispanics and the gay community. Stephanie Brown, the campaign’s African American vote director, is a key player in the effort.
And while Obama sent Vice President Biden to this week’s NAACP convention, he continues to pop up in media outlets geared toward a black audience. He gave an exclusive interview to Essence this summer, while first lady Michelle Obama took time for a chat with Ebony magazine.
In the past, the president has also given interviews to BET and made call-ins to black radio programs such as The Tom Joyner Morning Show, which in recent months has featured paid campaign ads urging Obama’s reelection.
Another Obama push, Gotta Vote, is aimed at voter registration and safeguarding voting rights. While the effort is not explicitly geared toward African Americans, it is aimed in part at neutralizing voter ID measures that Democrats claim make it harder for minorities to vote.
The Romney campaign is making its own play for the black vote, as evident from the candidate’s address at the NAACP, where he made the case that Obama’s policies have made things worse for African Americans “in almost every way.”
"If I did not believe that my policies and my leadership would help families of color — and families of any color — more than the policies and leadership of President Obama, I would not be running for president," Romney said.
Tara Wall, a senior adviser to the Romney campaign, said Obama takes African American support “for granted” and vowed that Team Romney’s outreach efforts would continue.
“Anything we can do to chip away at his base is what we’re going to do,” Wall said. “The president can’t afford to lose any support among his base.”
Clo Ewing, an Obama campaign spokeswoman, pushed back against the charge that the president feels automatically entitled to African American support.
“[The president] does not take a single vote, or support from any community, for granted,” Ewing said.
Referring to Romney, she added: “He is going to have a hard time attracting support when his agenda is in direct opposition to what the African American community is looking for."
But the president might find it difficult to replicate the enthusiasm of 2008 because that campaign was seen, in Hutchinson’s words, “not as an election but as a holy crusade” for black Americans eager to see the color line broken in the White House.
There are “lots of reasons for some people not to be enthusiastic” this year, said Mary Frances Berry, a professor of history at the University of Pennsylvania and a former chairwoman of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. “If you visit black churches or walk around barber shops or beauty salons, you hear a lot of grumbling.”
Many complaints center on the jobs crisis that has been devastating for African Americans. The most recent statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed the black unemployment rate in June to be almost double that among whites: 14.4 percent to 7.4 percent.
But Berry also noted the strength of the imperative felt among a broad swath of the African American community to deliver a second term for Obama. People might believe him to have been an imperfect president, she suggested, but are still emotionally invested in his fortunes.
Many black voters believe “that it is really important to reelect him because of the symbolism,” Berry said. “People are saying, ‘Think about how awful it would be if we didn’t elect him.’ ”
Fredrick Harris, a professor of political science and the director of the Institute for Research in African American Studies at Columbia University, acknowledged the possible decline in voter enthusiasm this year. But he said black voters could be energized if they feel Obama is attacked on racial grounds during the campaign.
The president’s team, however, has tread carefully around the issue of race for fears of him appearing “too black” to white voters.
The peril was most pronounced in the Jeremiah Wright controversy that erupted in 2008, but reemerged the following year after Obama criticized police who arrested Henry Louis Gates, a prominent black intellectual, as he tried to enter his home.
Even as Obama seeks to energize his black supporters, Hutchinson said, “he has also got to look at [white] centrist independents whose antenna is already up for anything that might seem racially tinted."

Gallup Poll: Romney - Obama Tied At 46%

These are the results when registered voters are asked: "Suppose the presidential election were held today. If Barack Obama were the Democratic Party's candidate and Mitt Romney were the Republican Party's candidate, who would you vote for Barack Obama, the Democrat or Mitt Romney, the Republican?" Those who are undecided are further asked if they lean more toward Obama or Romney and their leanings are incorporated into the results. Each seven-day rolling average is based on telephone interviews with approximately 3,050 registered voters; Margin of error is ±2 percentage points. Results from April 15 through May 6 are based on five-day rolling averages with approximately 2,200 registered voters each; Margin of error is ±3 percentage points. Editorial note: Due to a technical issue, the May 1-5 data point is not displayed at this time.
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Monday, July 9, 2012

Obama To Extend Bush Era Tax Cuts To Americans Making Less Than $250,000

WASHINGTON — With a torpid job market and a fragile economy threatening his re-election chances, President Obama is changing the subject to tax fairness, calling for a one-year extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for people making less than $250,000.
Mr. Obama plans to make his announcement in the Rose Garden on Monday, senior administration officials said. The ceremony comes as Congress returns from its Independence Day recess, and as both parties and their presidential candidates head into the rest of the summer trying to seize the upper hand in a campaign that has been closely matched and stubbornly static.
House Republicans plan to vote this month to extend permanently all of the Bush tax cuts, for middle- and upper-income people.
The president’s proposal could also put him at odds with Democratic leaders like Representative Nancy Pelosi of California and Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, who have advocated extending the cuts for everyone who earns up to $1 million. And it will most likely do little to break the deadlock in Washington over how to deal with fiscal deficits, an impasse that has only hardened as Republicans sense a chance to make gains in Congress this fall.
But by calling for an extension for just a year, Mr. Obama hopes to make Republicans look obstructionist and unreasonable. Trying to bounce back from another weak jobs report on Friday, he also hopes to deepen the contrast with his challenger, Mitt Romney. On Friday, the president said Mr. Romney would “give $5 trillion of new tax cuts on top of the Bush tax cuts, most of them going to the wealthiest Americans.”
From their stronghold in the House, Republicans plan to vote this week to repeal Mr. Obama’s health care law, hoping to energize their base even though they know that the campaign to abolish the law, which the Supreme Court upheld, stands no chance in the Democratic-led Senate. Republicans also renewed their call for an overhaul of the tax code.
“You know, what we ought to be doing is extend the current tax rates for another year with a hard requirement to get through comprehensive tax reform one more time,” the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, said on Sunday on the CNN program “State of the Union.”
The struggle to frame the tax debate comes as the campaign moves into a period, only four months before the election, when the perceptions of voters begin to harden. Polls show a persistently tight race, with Mr. Romney closing in on Mr. Obama in certain swing states but with neither candidate able to break out decisively. Control of Congress is also up for grabs, with Mr. McConnell saying on Sunday that he believed the Republicans had a 50-50 chance to regain control of the Senate.
To find a compromise with Republicans on which Bush tax cuts to extend, Ms. Pelosi, the House minority leader, and Mr. Schumer, a member of the Senate Finance Committee, favor making $1 million the cutoff. Above that level, Mr. Schumer has said, people are not likely to spend the savings from lower taxes and help the economy.
Administration officials said they did not believe that the difference between the White House and these Democratic leaders was a big obstacle. They said that whether to use $250,000 or $1 million as a cutoff was more a matter of strategy than a “religious debate,” in the words of one official, who added that many other Democrats favored $250,000.
The White House hopes to squeeze maximum political mileage out of the Rose Garden event, surrounding Mr. Obama with families and workers who would benefit from the extension. On Tuesday, he will take his message to Iowa, the battleground state that turned him into a serious presidential contender in 2008.
In Cedar Rapids, Mr. Obama plans to visit the home of Jason and Ali McLaughlin, a high school principal and an account manager at a document-scanning company, a campaign official said. The McLaughlin family, with a combined income of $82,000, would face an extra $2,000 burden next year if the tax cuts on the middle class expired as scheduled, the campaign said.
White House officials insisted that Monday’s move was more than politics. They said it would ease anxiety over the “fiscal cliff” — the combination of tax increases and automatic spending cuts that are scheduled to kick in at the end of this year. That one-two punch, economists say, could deal a heavy blow to an already tender economy unless the White House and Congress work out some kind of compromise.
Proposing a one-year extension, a senior official said, recognizes that Mr. Obama and the Republicans are not likely to resolve the larger debate over whether to permanently extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone or, as Mr. Obama has long advocated, just for the middle class. That debate is likely to be decided at the ballot box, where a victory by Mr. Romney would almost certainly enshrine all the tax cuts.
“To the degree that there is concern about the economy, we’re saying, ‘Let’s extend the middle class tax cuts for a year,’ ” said Gene B. Sperling, director of the White House’s National Economic Council. “Economically, extending tax cuts to those workers will have the most effect on them and the strongest impact on the economy.”
A one-year extension for people making under $250,000 would cost the government $150 billion in revenue, the administration estimates, an amount that would be added to the deficit. In a point of comparison, economists estimate that letting the cuts expire for people above that threshold would generate $850 billion over 10 years.
While Mr. Obama returns to the tax issue this week, House Republican leaders will press forward Wednesday with a vote to fully repeal his health care law, testing their faith that they can make the law part of their attack on Democratic economic policies against evidence that swing voters want to move past the fight.
Just as Mr. Obama needs to worry about divisions on the tax bill, some Republicans are in disagreement over the wisdom of relitigating the health care law. Some Republicans, facing re-election in swing districts, are openly suggesting that some measures should remain. Representative David B. McKinley, a Republican freshman from West Virginia, said prohibitions on lifetime coverage caps and on discrimination against people with pre-existing medical conditions should “absolutely” stay in force, even if health care costs would have to rise.
“If it means increasing my premiums, so be it,” he said. “That’s what insurance is about.”
Mr. Romney’s supporters on the Sunday talk shows hammered away at the idea that Mr. Obama is at fault for the poor economy. Representative Tom Price, Republican of Georgia, said Mr. Romney supported preserving all of the Bush-era cuts for another year because he believes “that will stimulate the economy and provide certainty out there in the job market.”
For Mr. Obama, the biggest advantage of the tax proposal may be simply to move the political discussion off the job market. On his bus tour through Ohio and Pennsylvania last week, the president took pains to present himself as a guardian of the middle class, whose most cherished childhood memories included raiding the ice machine at a Howard Johnson while on a Greyhound tour of the United States.
On Friday, however, when the latest poor jobs number was reported, Mr. Obama was back to talking about the long road to recovery.