Friday, December 18, 2009

Detriot In Chaos: Unemployment stands and 50%

Nearly one out of two workers in Detroit are unemployed according to a report done by the Detroit News. It's a figure far higher than the government official, which is still close to a staggering thirty percent. But the newspaper says the rate does not take everything into account. For every person who is still looking and collecting unemployment, there are scores of others who have had there benefits run out, accepted a part-time position, taken early retirement or a job outside there regular field. This is higher than the unemployment in the Great Depression. In 1931, the official unemployment rate was 24.9%. It took a world War to stimulate the Detroit economy and bring it down to 4.7%. her President Obama wasted $787 Billion dollars on a stimulus plan that did not create any jobs for cities like Detroit that are on the edge of becoming a Small Third World Country. The Democratic Led Congress has passed another so-called jobs bill that cost $100 billion dollars with $50 billion for public works projects with almost another $5o billion for cash strapped states and local governments. The bill blends a a familiar mix of money for highways, transit and water projects and aid to communities to retain teachers and firefighters. There is also $41 billion for a six month extension of more generous unemployment benefits and $12 billion to renew health care subsidies. Finally, President Obama and Democrats have spent over a trillion dollars on job creation and cities like Detroit are on the brink of destruction. President Obama is spending all his time on health care and Global Warming when Americans need jobs just to survive. This President has the wrong priorities but maybe, to him and his fellow socialist passing health care and Cap And Trade are the most important priorities in his Administration because there ultimate goal is to usher in new age of European style socialism into American society. President Obama would rather be in Copenhagen, Denmark talking about the biggest hoax in the history of the world Global Warming instead of working on a plan that will help Americans get back to work.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

U.S. Aide Plotted To Overthrow President Karazi in Afghanistan

The No.2 U.N. Official in Afghanistan said,"the American Peter Galbraith proposed enlisting the White House in a plan to overthrow or replace Afghan President Hamid Karzai according to two senior U.N. Officials. President Karzai became angry when he learned of the plan and was told it was put forth by Mr. Galbraith who had been installed in his position with the strong backing of Richard C. Holbrook, the top American Envoy to Afghanistan. Mr. Holbrook himself had clashed with the Afghan President over the election. Mr. Galbraith abruptly left the country in September and was fired weeks later. Mr. Galbraith has said he believes that he was forced out because he was feuding with his boss, Norwegian aide, Kai Edie the United Nations Official in Afghanistan, over how to respond to what he termed wholesale fraud in the Afghan Presidential Election. He accused Edie of concealing the degree of fraud benefiting Mr. Karzai. Mr. Galbraith said in a interview that he discussed but never actively promoted the idea od persuading Mr. Karzai to leave office. Mr Galbraith's warnings about fraud were largely confirmed in October when the United Nations-backed audit stripped Mr. Karazi of almost 0ne-third of his votes, preventing him a first round victory and forcing him into a runoff. Mr. Karzai was proclaimed the winner of the election last month after his challenger withdrew, saying the runoff would not be fair. Mr. Holbrook said he was unaware of the idea. "And it does not reflect in any way any idea that Secretary Clinton or anyone else in the State Department would have considered,"he said. Mr. Galbraith proposal would begin with a secret mission to Washington,"Mr. Edie wrote last week in a letter responding to critical public report of his work by a International Crisis Group, a research organization."He told me he would first meet with Vice President Biden,"Mr. Edie wrote. "If the Vice President agreed with Mr. Galbraith proposal they would approach President Obama with the plan: President Kazari should be forced to resign as President. "Then a new government would be installed led by former Finance Minister Ali. A. Jalali, both favorites of America officials. But according to a Western Diplomat Mr. Galbraith discussed his plan with Frank Ricciardone, the deputy American ambassador in Kabul. Mr. Ricciardone was subsequently alerted to Mr. Galbraith plan as well by Mr. Edie, the diplomat said. A spokesperson for the American Embassy in Kabul Caitly Hayden, Confirmed that Mr. Galbraith had bought the plan to the U.S. Embassy. she said he was summarily rejected. Finally. we need a investigation by Congress into a plot to overthrow a foreign government. We need to know who was involved in the plot, because if this was the Bush Administration the would be a national "Jihad" about the Executive Branch breaking international laws. The Democrats in the Senate would be calling for the impeachment of President Bush before the sun went down on the East Coast.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Congress Deserves A Shoe To The Head "IF They Pass Health Care Reform"

There seems to a large number of Democrats in the House and Senate who all willing to lose there seats in Congress to pass a Health Care Reform Bill. President Obama loyal subjects are willing to fall on the sword of the American people to pass this socialist legalisation. To many, politicail observers who say that the Democrats in Congress have a death wish, because a large majority of the American public opposes this ridiculous piece of legislation proposed by the Democrats. But a handful of Moderate Democrats will determine if the so-called historic piece of legislation is passed through Congress. Democrats will pay at the polls for their vote in favor of sweeping health care reform package. The American people are frustrated with the liberal-socialist Establishment in Washington D.C. who are ignoring the will of the people on this important issue that may bankrupt this country. Democrats have said for months that their success as a party in 2010 would hinge on the ability to implement President Obama legislative agenda. At the same time, a Presidents Party almost always losses seats in midterm elections, and often Senate seats as well. a bad economy, health care reform, Cap and Trade and high unemployment would make that even more likely. Inevitably, that means some moderate Democrats like Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska), Evan Byah (D- Indiana), Blanche Lincoln (D-Arkansas) will be forced to make some difficult choices in the next year leading up to the election. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is willing to lose 25-30 House seats which will probably be moderate Democrats for Red States. Speaker Pelosi and President Obama are willing to sacrifice these seats to the angry American public if they pass a health care reform bill. However, the so-called Blue Dog Democrats will have to understand President Obama and Speaker Pelosi will have no use for you after they pass there socialist health care bill. Speaker Pelosi will be happy with a majority of here caucus being liberal and they will not shed a tear for any of "Blue Bog Democrats" who will lose there election in 2010.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"Manadate The Constitution" Not Health Care

The Senate and House are the brink of passing new health care legislation, but there are millions of Americans who believe that mandated health care for every American is unconstitutional. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would not answer the question seriously when asked by reporters on Capital Hill. But Conservatives who respect the idea that the Constitution lays out a federal government with limited powers would answer with a resounding "NO". There are scholars across the country who believe that the Federal government has never required all Americans to buy a specific goods or services. The Obamacare mandate is truly unprecedented. "An individual mandate to enter a contract with or buy a particular product from a private party, with tax penalties to enforce it". Therefore, one of the goals of our Founding Fathers was to set up a government with limited powers. Article 1 of the Constitution gives Congress some powers and "some power remain beyond Congress reach". The most common argument used to justify mandated health care is the talking point that states are allowed to force individuals to buy car insurance before they are allowed to drive. There is a fundamental Constitutional difference between the powers of the state and the limited powers of the federal government. However, isn't driving a voluntary activity, therefore you don't have to have auto insurance if you don't have a car. Therefore, it's an unconstitutional demand say, some Senate Republicans, who have launched a movement against the mandate as the debate on the hill reaches it final stages. Sen. Orin Hatch (R-Utah), is arguing that if the federal government had the right to order Americans to buy certain products, the Cash For Clunkers Program would not have been necessary. Meanwhile, it is worth noting that the Senate new massive health care bill includes five pages defending the constitutionality of the individual mandate, arguing that the measure would benefit interstate commerce. This President and Democratic Congress are "Hell Bent" controlling every aspect of our lives through federal government mandates. The Democrats had a goal for the last fifty years to install a European style socialist government in America. The only way the can achieve this goal is by pass so-called universal health care. This "Childish" piece of legislation could be the downfall of America.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Trillions, Trillions,Trillions " America Fiscal Insanity"

In the first year of President Obama Administration, he has shown that he is not afraid to spend trillions of dollars on corporate bailouts, health care or run up trillions of dollars of U.S. debt to battle the economic crisis. During President Obama first 100 days of his Presidency, Obama has signed a $787 billion dollar stimulus bill into law, proposed a ridiculous $3.6 trillion dollar budget for the next fiscal year, taken over a massive $700 billion dollar Wall Street Bailout program and created other billion dollar programs. The Senate yesterday passed another $1.1 trillion dollar spending bill with increased budgets for vast areas of the federal government, including health, education, law enforcement and veteran affairs programs. The Obama Administration in now focusing on jobs first and worrying about the deficit second shows itself in the President's call for using $200 billion that unexpectedly is available from the $700 billion bank bailout to further stimulate the economy. Hey, I thought that when the $787 Billion Dollar Stimulus Bill was passed that unemployment would not reach 8% and that it would create millions of jobs for Americans. We all now know that the $787 Stimulus Bill has been a resounding failure and a waste of taxpayers dollars. However, the President wants to create jobs through spending to improve the nations infrastructure, lending to small businesses and financial incentives to make the homes more energy efficient. The Obama Administration continues to insist that the long politically charged debate to overhaul America's health care system will not increase the U.S. deficit and with indications that the new health care reforms will raise taxes. Therefore, with all these new government programs the U.S. government has to increase the $12.1 trillion dollar debt limit to cover federal borrowing could lead to a government technical default with countries like China, South Korea, Japan and Saudi Arabia. The Obama Administration and Democratic Congress is spending America into a black hole which we may never recover from in the near future. The federal government spending spree is now the greatest threat to our national security and the viability our country having a respectable currency on the world markets. This could be the downfall of America if we don't get spending under control and balance our nation federal budget.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

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