Friday, December 11, 2009

NBC the Propaganda Wing Obama Administartion Attacks Beck, Limbaugh And O'Reilly

The left-wing loons over at NBC are showing there true colors as being the head of the propaganda wing of the Obama Administration. The statement made on Law And Order SVU that Beck, Limbaugh and O'Reilly incite violence is a false and reckless statement. Beck and O'Reilly showed a clip from the episode that aired Wednesday Night which showed a murder who was incited into violence by being a right-wing talk show host fanatic who constantly listened to Beck, Limbaugh and O'Reily. In this "Law And Order SUV" episode the three talk show host are called a "cancer spreading ignorance and hate". Glen Beck the true intellectual genius that he is proceeded to point out that there have not been any arrest at Conservative Tea Party Events, 9/12 March On Washington or Town Hall Meetings. Glen Beck exposes a laundry list of left-wing loons carrying out violence and destruction of private property across the nation. The liberal left wing media headed by NBC and MSNBC tries to portray Conservatives as dangerous people and should be attacked and discredited by all mainstream media sources. Therefore, where was "Law And Order SUV" when MSNBC commentator Keith Olbermann, Michael Moore and Democratic Party was calling President Bush and Vice President Cheney every despicable name that is not in the Websters Dictionary. Finally, Thank God that Glen Beck and countless numbers of Americans are exposing the Obama Administration as a group Socialist thugs who are trying to transform America into a European Socialist Society where the government controls every aspect of our lives.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Yale Project On Climate Change Use "Religious Leaders"

The Yale Project on Climate Change seeks to piggyback off of any and all established trust in religious leaders for mere political expediency. Its rationale of equating climate issues with prayer and established religious traditions are for the convenience of of converting its membership to climate agenda goals, and are a affront to to original intention of religious inclination. The Yale Project recognizes the importance of religious leaders in the public mind and seeks to use them to legitimize the carbon agenda. Though religious leaders don't rank as high as other tool of the climate propaganda, such as scientist, environmental organizations, weather reporters it is clear that pre-arranged advocacy will help advance there agenda. Further, the Yale Project recognizes religious cover will allow the penetration of more politically conservative or otherwise pockets of public opinion. The Yale Project On Climate Change states that religious leaders and communities should establish or expand religious coalitions on the environment and convene dialogues to develop common understanding and resources specifically on climate change issues across different religions and moral traditions. The Yale Project seeks to build on models like the National Religious Partnership for the environment while taking care to avoid tainting the unique positioning of the partnering religious groups.The project platform even advocates that religious leaders be prepared to work together both covertly and overtly on climate change. Churches in England did indeed hold a Day Of Prayer On Climate Change in August 2009, leading up to the United Nations Climate Change Summit In Copenhagen. Establishing green prophets has not only meant branding icons like Al Gore and David de Rothschild as saviors. Environmental themes have sought to bring religious adherents, for instance, through the "2008 Release Of The Green Bible"added liner notes and emphasis on environmental themes found in bible text. Finally, Religious conviction has been viewed as some sort of commodity to be translated into political and social power in the hopes of tipping the scales of any given agenda. For translation, The Yale Project is a distortion and a fraud on religious leaders.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Obama, New Rules Of Engagemnet In Afghanistan Will Cost Troops Lives

NATO and United States has issued new military rules of engagement in Afghanistan to limit civilian deaths. After, a air strike last year which reportly killed 90 civilians, including 60 children. Gen. McChystal has ordered new rules of engagement for American Troops in Afghanistan will focus on house searches saying that they will be lead by Afghan forces, and permission from homeowners should be sought. a limit on the size and weight of bombs used in air strikes were was imposed last year, but there is continuing anxiety in NATO about the counterproductive on civilian casualties on the majority Pashutun population. The new directives seek to sharpen tactical directives to give more clarity to commanders on the ground, one official said. It is a second attempt to try and re-educate commanders, to re-empathises how careful everyone should be" in carrying out air strikes and air support from ground troops. "Killing civilians is not the "best way to attract hearts and minds". It says since new rules of engagement was first implemented last year by Gen. McKierman the rate of civilian deaths have dropped in Afghanistan. The air strikes had greatly undermined local support for the efforts of international forces in the country. The new rules of engagement in Afghanistan could cost American lives because, soldiers will call for helicopters air cover if they were trapped by insurgent troops. Therefore, there will be scenarios in Afghanistan were U.S. Commanders citing the new rules of engagement will reject the repeated calls from solders trapped because of the possibility of having a large number of civilian deaths. These new rules of engagement are outrageous and it gives the insurgents a opportunity to attack American soldiers in large population centers and knowing that there will be no air support to cover them in battle. There will be hundreds of soldiers cut down in battle if the U.S. military follow these ridiculous rules of engagement.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Gatorade Drops Tiger Drink; Decided Before Wreck - ABC News

Gatorade Drops Tiger Drink; Decided Before Wreck - ABC News

Obama Economic Jobs Speech A "Fiasco"

After spending 787 Billion dollars on a ridiculous Stimulus Bill President Obama will be giving a speech today on the economy. President Obama planned remarks are the same as last week, "What have seen is companies shed jobs very quickly, partly induced by the panic on Wall Street, and they are still tentative about hiring all those laid off, "Obama told reporters after a Oval Office meeting with Turkey's Prime Minister. He also said companies have become more efficient after doing more with less for so long, "that they may feel that they can produce the same amount of goods or services without as many employees. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the President also intends to send a message to Main street, "help is on the way. "To that end, Obama is is expected to call for using some funds originally allocated for the TARP program for new stimulus measures. It sends the message that your economic viability is just as important as anybody that lives and works on Wall Street. that is the message that President Obama has hoped and wanted to send for his entire administration, and that is what he has done in the recovery plan; That i what he will do in his speech, "Gibbs said. Don't expect to hear a grand cure-all the nation persistent unemployment problem. However, President is not going to unveil the silver bullet idea where all the jobs will be made up by the loss in the economic downturn and the some, "Gibbs said. "If there was one idea to do this, I assume it would have been done sometime in the intervening 22 months. Gibbs also, declined to call any new programs announced tomorrow a second stimulus. Meanwhile, some have questioned whether Obama can use funds originally allocated for the TARP program for new initiatives. Gibbs said, "the White House "is looking at that, "especially the unexpected 200 billion dollars coming back from the Treasury coffers as financial institutions repay the federal bailout. President Obama and his Chicago cronies don't have a clue how to jump start the economy. Less than ten percent of his Administration are entrepreneurs and that is the smallest percent in recent history with any administration. The 787 Billion Dollar stimulus Bill is starting to become a "fiasco" and should be investigated for government waste. The Stimulus bill is not creating any jobs across America now Obama wants to spend another 200 billion on jobs. This joker should be impeached for wasting the taxpayers valuable dollars. How long will it take before the American people find out that President Obama is nothing more than incompetent political hack from Chicago.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Chicago Man Charged in Mumbai Terror Attacks - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

Chicago Man Charged in Mumbai Terror Attacks - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

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Iran Acts To Shutdown Planned Protests

The chants of protests began to be heard on rooftops in Iran's capital city yesterday even authorities chocked off Internet access ahead of the opposition demonstrations today. Journalist who worked foreign media were told to stick to there offices for the next three days. The measure was aimed at depriving the opposition of key means of mobilizing the masses as Iran's clerical rulers try to keep a lid on dissent. Government opponents are seeking nothingless, to large numbers of demonstrators to turn out to show there movement still has momentum. Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi threw his support behind the planned demonstrations and declared the movement is still alive. A statement posted on his website the clerical establishment was losing legitimacy in the Iranian people's mind. "A great nation would not stand silent when some confiscate your vote, :said Mousavi, who claims that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stole the June 12 election form him. today's planned demonstrations mark the anniversary of the 1953 killings of three students at a Anti-U.S. during the rule of Shah Mohammad Reza Phalavi close American ally. Since the 1990's, that anniversary has served as a occasion for protests by those urging Iran Islamic leadership to allow some social and political freedoms. Aytatollah Ali Khamenei Iran supreme leader who has the final say on state matters, accused the opposition yesterday of exposing divisions in the country and creating opportunities for Iran's enemies. Iran universities have been the stronghold of the opposition movement that grew out of the disputed election, and authorities have besieged campuses with a wave of arrests and expulsions. The government Basji militia has also recruited informers on campuses to blow the whistle on any opposition organizers, students said. Despite the heavy rain last night rooftop cries of "Allauh Akbar (God Is Great) and "Death To The Dictator" were heard from many parts of Tehran. The chanting reprised a tactic of the anti-shah movement in the 1979 Islamic revolution and was revived after the recent disputed election. Weeks after the June Presidential elections, demonstrations triggered by claims of massive fraud in the vote brought hundreds of thousands to the streets, but the relentless crackdown took a heavy toll. Seeking to deny protesters a organizing tool, authorities slowed Internet service to a crawl, or shut it down in Tehran. The government has acknowledged that it behind the outages, but Iran's Internet service providers said the problem was not a technical glitch. Former President Akbar Hashmeni Rafsanjani, who has been a powerful voice of dissent from within the ranks of clerical leadership, accused Iran hard-line rulers of silencing constructive criticism. The situation in the country is such that constructive criticism is not tolerated, "Rafsanjani was quoted by several news agencies as saying yesterday. Seeking to confine journalist from the international media to their offices during the protests, Iran Culture Ministry suspended accreditation allowing them to work on the streets from today to Wednesday. By Ali Akbar Dareine Associated Press