Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sen. Baucus Was In Relationship With Women He Nominated For U.S. Attorney Post

Senate Fiance Committee Chairman Max Baucus was having a affair with his current girlfriend when he recommend her for U.S. Attorney last year, a spokesman said late Friday. Ty Matsdorf said the Montana Democrat and his former state office Director Melodee Hanes, began their relationship in the summer of 2008, after Baucus separated from his wife. Baucus nominated Hanes for the U.S. Attorney post in Montana in March, but she later withdrew her name. Matsdorf said Baucus submitted six names to a third party reviewer. who whittled those down to Hanes and two others. The senator sent the three names to the White House with no ranking. "After through review of all applicants, Baucus recommend each of the three candidates based solely on qualifications and merit knowing Whichever one the White House selected would serve Montana Well,"Matsdorf told Associated Press. The spokesman said that Baucus and Hanes decided during the nomination process to withdraw her name from because the couple wanted to live together in Washington, which they later did. Hanes had started working for Baucus in 2002 and was state director before leaving his office earlier the year for a position in the U.S. Justice Department. "Mel is supremely qualified and got her current position based solely on her merit, Matsdorf said. Word of Baucus nominating his girlfriend was first reported by Roll Call, a online publication that covers Washington. Baucus was elected in the Montana House in 1973 and to the House in 1974 and 1976. He was elected to the United States Senate in 1978 at the age of 36, and is up for re-election in 2014. He has been increasingly visible roles in Congress, sometimes willing to buck his own Democratic Party on certain issues. He recognizes the state that sent him to the Senate for five straight terms is fundamentally Conservative and its voters want someone willing to base votes based on party lines. Most recently he has been the center of a bipartisan effort to move sweeping health care legislation through the Senate with a bill aimed at meeting Obama's goal of overhauling the nation health care system. The Democrat has also been at the center of Congressional battles: He played a key role in 2003 legalisation adding a prescription drug benefit to the Medicare program enacted by President George W. Bush tax cuts in 2001. Baucus has also secured millions in federal funding for highways and billions in disaster aid for drought-plagued farmers and ranchers. By Thomas Peipert AP. The United States Senate is full of "Sumbags".

Friday, December 4, 2009

Al Gore $100 Million Dollar Global Warming Fraud

If you are a Global Warming skeptic than you should be extremely happy about the so-called e-mail hacking controversy over Global Warming. Former Vice President Al Gore has gotten extremely rich promoting and selling this Global Warming hoax to the world. The evidence is coming in and Al Gore is ripping off people in the tune of millions with his global warming hysteria. In only eight years after leaving the Clinton Administration Al Gore is estimated to be worth a 100 million dollars. While, as a Conservative I would ordinary applaud such financial gains in such a short period of time, but I can't help but to question how it happened. When you look at what Al Gore has done, it's evident that he has figured out a way to capitalize on the big Green movement while becoming the official doomsday prophet that has helped to build Big Green into a monetary powerhouse that it has become. Apparently along with some Goldman Sachs executives, Gore created Generation Investment Management, a money management firm that invest in business that place a large priority on "Environmental and Sustainability", the includes trading carbon credits (of which Gore has already proven to be hypocritical on that issue). Gore also, got cash coming in from the World Resource Institute where he serves on the board of Directors. This organization is a environmental think tank worth over $55 million dollars and has donors list that includes Generation Investment Management, Google, and United Nations. Interestingly, aside from the $10 million that went into salaries and benefits (plus another million in travel), I can't figure out how they spent their money. According to there 990 form, they spent a whole lot of time developing strategies and pollution programs, ecosystem and people program etc. But they do have nearly $40 million dollars in investments, which include $18 million dollars in LLC partnerships (which means they have $18 million dollars invested in private companies) which they do not disclose. Personally, I am dying to know what the $40 million dollars is invested in, but they do not disclose the details nor do they have any SEC filings (Which means they hide there tracks). Finally, there is Al Gore's pet project, the Alliance For Climate Protection, which has the least amount of transparency of any organization I have ever seen. They do not provide any information on there website regarding the donors or finances. I do know this much, Al Gore is the Chairman of the organization, he also donates to these guys and gets to deduct the donations from his taxes. So when he donated the Nobel Peace Prize, he was actually not only a tax write off, but the money went right back into his own organization. The question left is when will the public accept that Al Gore is nothing but a fraud.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers Should Be Fired

The Congressional Homeland Security Committee will be holding hearings on the Party Crashers at the White House today in Washington D.C.. Homeland Security Chairman (D-Mississippi) Bennie Thompson will be holding hearings that will include the Secret Service, but someone will be obviously absent today from the hearings White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers friend of notorious Chicago Slumlord Valarie Jarret. Desiree Rogers should be the third person in the line of fire behind the Secret Service and Salahis at the Homeland Security Committee hearings because, she did not deploy her staff to protect President Obama from these nutcases the Salahis. Mrs. Rogers role in the White House seems to be promoting the Obama brand. I did not know the President Family was something to be sold on the open market like some hip-hop rapper. The 50 year old Rogers came to Washington with great fanfare, no small amount of it to her own making. She quickly turned the White House into Desiree House. If President Obama dumps Desiree Rogers I don't think it will go over well with Michelle Obama and Valarie Jarret who are close friends with Desiree Rogers. The White House refused a request for Desiree Rogers to testify before the Congressional hearing because they are invoking "Separations Of Powers" to protect Mrs. Rogers form testifying. The President will not throw one of his Ivy League elitist friends under the bus to gain some political points with the Washington social elite because this is the Chicago Way. Therefore, the White House has announced new policies to prevent another party crashers incident at the White House. The same policies that the Bush Administration had that Desiree Rogers and her cronies from Chicago threw away in the trash when they came to Washington. Finally, President Obama should fire Desiree Rogers because someone could have been attacked during the dinner. There should have been someone at the door to checking everyone invitation to the White House dinner. Mrs. Rogers failed the basic standard procedures for a White House dinner so, she should be fired right after the Congressional hearings.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

War Protesters against 30,000 Troop Escalation in Afghanistan, Will The Left-Wing Media Cover The Protests

The majority of Anti-War groups in America stop protesting when President Obama was elected hoping that a new administration would "Change" America foreign policy towards Iraq and Afghanistan. Therefore, when President Obama made it official his administration commitment to 30,000 troop escalation in Afghanistan in a nationally televised speech at West Point, to be deployed within six months, will bring troop levels above 100,000. There are many independent left-wing groups Bozeman Peace Seekers who plan to protest the escalation in Afghanistan, which Obama said was necessary to temper the violence in the country that was invaded by America eight years ago. Margairtia McLarity, an organizer of the demonstration, Obama's announcement shows that the new President is building upon the policies of his predecessor. We stopped protesting a year ago in Hopes that Obama would make significant changes in our nations military adventures in the Middle East, "McLarity said. "It is so sad that the hopes we had for "Change" in the administration have been whittled away and now we have a escalation. However, Groups like Code Pink are against the war in Afghanistan but they have been extremely quiet because, there left-wing foundations have told the organization to tamp down the rhetoric because a Democrat was elected President. I am waiting for a member of Code Pink to walk up to Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton with blood on her hands. You know that will never happen because the left-wing elites will cut off the funding to Code Pink. The left-wing media and elites use organizations like Code Pink to attack Republican Presidents during a time of war. Cindy Sheehan and her supporters said that they are against the troop surge, as well as using drones: unmanned war planes that drop bombs. He is going to escalate troops in Afghanistan by fifty percent. It is a substantial escalation and of course, many people in the peace movement for a complete total withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. The left-wing media has no use for Cindy Sheehan because, President Bush is not in office. Finally, let's see how much attention anti-war protesters get when President Obama is sending troops 30,000 to Afghanistan. When President Bush sent more troops to Iraq the left-wing media gave Cindy Sheehan 24 hour coverage when she protested outside President Bush Crawford, Texas Ranch home. The left-wing media has not covered any left-wing protests since, President Obama took office. There are Democrats who did not support the surge in Iraq but, they are supporting the surge in Afghanistan. The Democrats are a bunch of Jokers with no backbone. They will support the "Messiah" against the own moral and social values.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Michael Moore Childish Rant

Michael Moore the real leader of the left-wing movement in America wrote a open letter to President Obama about the deployment of 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. In this open letter to President Obama you read the real hatred that Michael Moore has for the men and women who wear the United States military uniform. Micheal Moore hatred towards the Generals who protect our nation against these Islamic terrorist thugs who wish to destroy the very Republic in which he, can spew his hatred towards the military. Moore truly believes in his heart that if you are nice to these Islamic thugs maybe they will leave us alone, but he just can not understands that these clowns are hell bent on world domination through Islam. Moore, asked a very simple question to President Obama : Do You really want to be a War President? Moore, chastised President Obama by saying with just one will turn the multitudes of young people who are the backbone of your campaign into disillusioned cynics...You will teach them what they always heard is true-that politicians are all alike. Moore expressed his anger at President Obama when he said, It is not your job to do what the generals tell you to do. We are a civilian run government. WE tell the Generals what to do, not the other way around. That is the way General Washington insisted it must be. That is what President Truman told General MacArthur when MacArthur wanted to invade China. "You are fired, and that was that. And you should have fired Gen. McChrystal when he went to the press to preempt you, telling the press what you had to do. How could President Obama fire Gen. McChrystal when he, promoted him to give him a honest evaluation about Afghanistan. If President Obama would have fired Gen. McChrystal there would have been a mutiny over at the Pentagon. President Obama backed himself into a corner when during the campaign that the War In Afghanistan was a "War Of Necessity". Finally, President Obama is listening the right advisers when it comes to Afghanistan. We must destroy the Taliban and Al-Qaedea so, they will not have a sanctuary to launch attacks against America. Therefore, listening to Michael Moore Childish rant about sending troops troops to Afghanistan is like listening to a child ranting about not having enough candy for breakfast. Michael Moore Sit down and Shut up.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Dubai Financial Crisis: America Is Next

Economist all around the world fear that the Dubai financial crisis could have a major impact around the world. The inability of the government of Dubai to refinance debts taken on by its largest owned company, Dubai World, has sent shockwaves throughout the world prompting many throughout the world to ask not only how severe the crisis is, but exactly is Dubai and who is in control of it. The Dubai crisis has lead to a panic situation around the world in financial market as banks and financial firms lost in markets around the world. One of the countries expected to be hit the hardest by the crisis is the country of India. A large number of Indian companies have exposure there in the region, and over 4.5 million Indian work and live there. It came as a shock to many, when the Dubai government disclosed that it would not be able to service the 80 billion dollar debt it has raised through the Dubai World and property unit Nakeel. Dubai said it wanted the creditors to agree to a debt standstill as it restructure Dubai World and works around the finances to pay it's creditors back. This financial crisis should be a warning to the United States government which is 12 trillions dollars in debt and that is not including Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare IOU that are trillions of dollars in debt. The debt crisis in Dubai could be a precursor into the future of America because what if China, South Korea, Japan and Saudi Arabia demand a "Margin Call" from the United States Government we would not be able to pay our creditors back with full interest. Therefore, that means the United States would have to sell some of there most valuable assets to satisfy it's creditors. The United States Government might have to raise taxes to a all-time high to payback it's creditors which will basically destroy the American economy. The United States could default on there loans which would throw the whole world into a major financial crisis that could end up starting a world war. Finally, this is why the United States Government should be reifinacing there loans with China, where the United States could payback all there loans to there creditors within 20 years. This system should consist of the federal government balancing the budget every year and using any extra taxpayer dollars to payback our outstanding loans. This should be the number issue on President Obama agenda not Obamacare which would pass on more unsubstantial debt on to our children.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Obama "No Subsatnce Behind The Man"

The millions of Americans who joined the "President Obama Red Revolution" are disappointed with his performance as President. The media, Hollywood and liberal intelligentsia put all their hopes and dreams in President Obama and they are finding that there is "No Substance Behind The Man". The liberal media tried to portray President Obama as the next John F. Kennedy because of his charisma and extraordinary oratory skills when giving a speech to the American people. The Obama supporters listened to his rhetoric on global warming, War In Afghanistan, health care and Cap And Trade but his speeches have not been able to sway public opinion towards his agenda . The moderates who cast there votes in the Presidential election for Obama are finding out that he, is not a great leader but, a left-wing ideologue who wants pass a liberal agenda that is against most American values. Therefore, since President Obama poll numbers are dropping and his agenda is showing a large disapproval from the American people the liberal elites are starting to rethink there vote for President Obama. The Obama Administration has shown no concern over their political missteps. The Obama Administration is not on the verge of changing there socialist agenda or political philosophy. President Obama is presiding over a unsuccessful first year as President and there is no concern about losing his job in 2012. Finally, President Obama is a very intelligent man but he, always seemed to be a man who probably could can take a test well but has zero imagination. President Obama always speak in vague words in order to always have a way out a difficult situation. The President will speak ambiguously on Tuesday on Afghanistan to have a way out if the war turns into a meat grinder. President Obama is a prisoner of liberal socialist theology that was taught to him ever since he was a teenager in Hawaii. President Obama has been regurgitating liberal socialist philosophies from the 1960's and there is no ideas new coming out of his administration that will help America next generation compete in the world economy. There is "No Substance Behind The Man". Welcome To ObamAmerica.