Friday, October 31, 2008


The Sen. Obama is showing signs of being the next leader of "Fourth Reich" when it comes to controlling the media. The Obama campaign today kicked off reporters from the New York Post, Washington Post and the Dallas Morning News to make space for some African-American magazines. The African-American magazines Ebony and Jet are recording Sen. Obama last days of his "Historical Campaign" to be the First African-American elected President. The reason the New York Post, Washington Post and Dallas Morning News were kicked off the plane is because, there papers endorsed Sen. McCain in the General Election. This is a sign that if Sen. Obama is elected President and you don't agree with his "Socialist Policies" you will be silenced or your will not have access to his Administration. The Obama campaign sent out a loud message when they punished Barbara West and her Television Station for giving Sen. Biden a Tuff interview on the major issues of today. Finally, the Left-Wing in America called President Bush the next Hitler, but your new "Messiah" Sen. Obama is showing signs of being the next leader of the "Fourth Reich".

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I wake everyday and find out that Sen. Obama is having another tribute dinner with another one of his Anti-American friends. Sen. Obama is the first candidate to run for President in over a hundred years to have friends who hate America. Sen. Obama has some of the worst judgement I have ever seen when it comes to picking out his closest and dearest friends. Sen. Obama is close friends with the American born terrorist William Ayers and his wife who blew up the Pentagon and he, decides kicks off his campaign at there house for the State Senate in Illinois. Sen. Obama joins Rev. Wright Church and he says he did not hear Rev. Wright give these Anti-American Sermons. Sen. Obama befriends a former PLO Spokesman Rashadi Khalidi and he, pays tribute to a man who hates Israel. The Khaladi and Obama families ate dinner together several times a year and talk about the Palestine refuge problem. Therefore, could you imagine if Sen. McCain had these type of associations the Liberal media would be going wild trying to destroy Sen. McCain before the Nov. 4 Election. Sen. Obama could not even be a FBI agent with these type of associations. Finally, I cannot believe that the American people will elect a man whose best friends hate America. Hey! we have to remember that they all are "Boys In The Hood". The L.A. times should be boycotted by all Americans.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I just read a great blog "Webloggin" where they predicted a McCain upset of Sen. Obama in the Nov. 4 General Election. I cannot see this Truman type upset happening in this election. Sen. Obama has about a 90% chance of winning this election because, of the electoral Map which is in his favor. Sen. Obama can win the Presidency by winning Iowa, New Mexico, Nevada And Colorado and he, also has several other options to put together the necessary 270 Electoral College votes needed to be the next President Of The United States. Sen. McCain needs a "Hat Trick" to win this election and that is highly unlikely with only five days left in the campaign. The numbers just don't add up for Sen. McCain winning this election because, of the high number of African-American, Hispanic and Youth tournout in this General election. I know that the pollsters were wrong in the "Dewey-Truman" and the "Carter-Reagen" Elections but, they have been right a majority of time when the candidate is leading the race by five points or more points with a week left in the election campaign. Finally, if you want to know more about the chances that Sen. McCain has in winning this election go to a great website that is in my blog list "DCREPUBLICAN" and checkout his "Gallup Poll" results in the last ten Presidential elections. I am going to make my prediction and I am sad to say that Sen. Obama will be the next President Of The United States. The percentage vote in the election will be 54% Obama-45% McCain and 1% other. Sen. Obama will have 347 Electoral College Votes and Sen. McCain Will have 191 Electoral College Votes. "America is going to elect a Socialist". "What the hell is going on".

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The Democratic Party will win the 2008 election campaign by a landslide. The Average American feels that the nation is going in the wrong direction and they are blaming the Republican Party for the country economic woes. Sen. McCain was leading in the polls until September 16 when we had the "Wall Street Crisis" and now Sen. Obama has a commanding lead in the polls with a week left in the campaign. Sen. Obama has a commanding lead in all the states that Sen. Kerry won in 2004 General Election Campaign. Sen. Obama is now leading in all the Battleground States and some Red States like Virginia, North Carolina, Florida and Missouri. The Democratic Party could have the largest majority in Congress since, the 1970's when they had 260 Congressional seats in the Congress. The United States Senate could have a Filibuster Proof majority in the Senate with 60 Democratic Seats. Therefore, you will have a Obama, Reid and Pelosi "Regime" in Washington without any checks and balances. Rep. Barney Frank is calling already call for a 25% cut in military spending and Sen. Kerry is talking about having a second "New Deal" that we cannot afford after the 700 million dollars spent on the "Wall Street Bailout". The Democratic Party will also, pass a sweeping "Immigration Bill" that will make 20 million Illegal Aliens American citizens and register them as Democrats so, they can control this country for the next half-century. President Obama will raise taxes on the wealthy Americans who create jobs and he will also, raise Social Security Taxes and Payroll Taxes to fund his Socialist Welfare Programs. The Democratic Congress will repeal the "Bush Tax Cuts" and raise the capital gains tax on all Americans. President Obama will nominate Liberal Socialist Supreme Court Justices and they will establish a "New Progressive Agenda" through the Courts. The judges that President Obama will put on the Court of Appeals will support Gay marriage and support Abortions on demand without any punishment. President Obama will also support the "Freedom Of Choice Act", Affirmative Action, Federal Bailouts and Universal Health Care for all Americans and even Illegal Immigrants. Finally, to all Americans voting on Nov. 4 you have to remember that elections have consequences and if you vote for Sen. Obama "Welcome To Socialism".

Monday, October 27, 2008


The Obama Machine has done one of the best jobs in political history getting a Freshman Senator from Illinois elected President of the United States. Sen. Obama Chief Strategist David Axelrod has done the impossible by defeating the Clinton Machine and he, is on his way to Defeating Sen. McCain in the General Election. Sen. Obama Campaign had a well thought out Strategy in the primaries by investing his campaign dollars in the Caucus States where he, picked up some crucial delegates that put him over thee top against Sen. Clinton to help him win the Democratic Nomination. The Obama Campaign Communication Department headed by Bill Burton and Robert Stubbs help get Sen. Obama message out to the the American people through the Liberal Socialist Media. Sen. Obama campaign used the blogs to help him get the left wing of the Democratic party in his back pocket. The Obama campaign used the Daily Kos, Huffington Post and MoveOn.Org to help him secure the Democratic Nomination. The Obama campaign picked up some help when ABC News Reporter Linda Douglass joined there Communication Department and help them establish a good relationship with 90% of the Liberal Socialist Media. The Key to the Obama campaign was his fundraising operation which has raised 600 million dollars in this election cycle. Sen. Obama is a fundraising machine because he, destroyed Sen. Clinton and Sen. McCain when it comes to raising much needed funds to win a General Election. Sen. Obama has so much money he, has bought out all available add space on the local television networks in the key Battleground States. Sen. Obama is out spending Sen. McCain 4 to 1 in these crucial states and that will be the death nail to the McCain Campaign. Sen. Obama has so, much money he can even take out 30 min. commericals to be put on Network Television before the World Series. The second key to Sen. Obama success is that the liberal media is in the tank for Sen. Obama. The Liberal Media has covered-up all Sen. Obama associations from the past because, they want him to be elected President Of The United States. The Liberal Media has been waiting 45 years for a candidate like Sen. Obama to advance their liberal socialist agenda that they will do anything to protect him from any controversy. Therefore, could you imagine if Sen. McCain had a went to a church and his Spiritual Advisor was Rev. Wright he, would have never come close to being the next President Of The United States. Finally. Sen. Obama Machine has done a excellent job protecting him from Conservatives with the help from the liberal media and the Socialist blogs. The American people will have to pay a price in the end for the lack of journalistic integrity in the Media.