Saturday, October 25, 2008


I have been trying for the last week to find a scenario looking at the Electoral College where Sen. McCain can win this election and I have come up empty every time. Sen. McCain is in the worst position as Republican since, Sen. Dole in the 1996 Presidential Campaign against President Clinton. Sen. McCain is having serious problems trying to hold on to traditional Republican states like Virginia and North Carolina and Indiana.. Sen. McCain has to pray for a miracle just to come close to winning this general election. Sen. Obama has about "Four Different Combinations" when it comes to winning this election. Sen. Obama can win this election by just holding on to the States that Sen. Kerry won in 2004 which adds up to 252 Electoral College votes and add on these States Iowa, Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado and he, is the next President Of The United States. Sen. Obama holds the Realclearpoliticis Average lead in most of the Battleground States like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Florida. The biggest problem for Sen. McCain has is when you get a average of all the major polls Sen. McCain is having a serious problem getting 45% of the vote. This is not a good sign for the McCain campaign because if he, had a outside chance of winning this election Sen. McCain should be be over 45% in the polls today. Sen. McCain lead in the polls disappeared on September 16 when the "Wall Street Crisis" hit the American people and it basically, destroyed his chance to become the next President Of The United States. Finally, to all my Conservative friends we, should still work hard for these last "Ten Days" to get the vote out for Sen. McCain. We should all take a friend to the polls with us so we can pull off a miracle upset. I want all Conservatives to think about the 1948 Presidential election when the mainstream media had Gov. Dewey winning the election in every poll and President Truman pulled off the biggest upset in American History and won the election with 303 Electoral College Votes. It Can Happen Again!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


The McCain Campaign has to run the table to win this Presidential Election. Sen. McCain has to win almost every "Battleground State" to win this election. Sen. McCain has to pull a rabbit of out his hat and win the Democratic State of Pennsylvania and it's 21 Electoral College Votes to even come close to getting the 270 Electoral College Votes needed to become, the Next President Of The United States. Sen. McCain is in this position because, he is losing Iowa, New Mexico and Colorado by a large margin in the polls. This will be a tough task for Sen. McCain because he, is still trying to protect traditionally, Republican States like Virginia, North Carolina and Florida. Sen. Obama has a lead in Virgina and if he wins any of these Republican States this election is over. The McCain Campaign must know something in there internal polls that they feel that they can win Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Nevada,, New Hampshire and Missouri. Therefore, let's put all our cards on the table because, no Republican has won a Presidential election without winning Ohio and Missouri in the past century. Sen. McCain will have a tough time winning Ohio because, of the large increase of new voters and voter fraud by organizations like Acorn that will probably help Sen. Obama win Ohio. Sen. McCain has to pray for a miracle to win this election because, as long as the Liberal Socialist Media cover-up for Sen. Obama and his Marxist beliefs he, will probably win this election by a "Landslide". Finally, Sen. McCain needs a serious Obama gaffe to win this election and that might not be enough for Sen. McCain to win this Presidential Election. Can anyone reading my blog tell me how Sen. McCain is going to win this election. The new "Fox News Poll" has Sen. Obama up 49%-40% Nationally. The "AP Poll" has Sen. Obama up 44%-43% over McCain with Likely Voters.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The News Service African Press International will soon be realising a tape by Michelle Obama to the American people. The tape will be released before the General Election Voting Day- Nov. 4. African Press International is in negotiation with Fox News on how to release the tape to the American public. The recorded tape that will be released represents the true feeling of Michelle Obama and why she hates America. The tapes must be verified by more than one source or the "Obama Stormtroopers" will attack African Press International and Fox News with all there Liberal Socialist Goons in the media. Finally, I hope the tapes are true because, the American people are being "Hoodwinked" by the Liberal Socialist Media into voting for a Marxist who hates America.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Sen. Obama has closed the deal when it comes to being the next President Of The United States. Sen. Obama got the most important endorsement of his campaign when Gen. Colin Powell endorsed him to become the next President Of The United States. Sen. Obama got the credibility he, much needed to be Commander N- Chief when Powell gave Obama his ringing endorsement. This is the final nail in the McCain Campaign Coffin and the only thing left is how big of a electoral landslide will it be for Sen. Obama. The McCain campaign put up a good fight but, the only way McCain can win is by a "Act Of God" and that is not going to happen this campaign season. Sen. McCain does not have the money or the organization to defeat the Obama Machine. Sen. McCain had a chance of winning this election but, the "Wall Street Crisis" Turned this whole election around for Sen. Obama. If you look at the polls carefully you will find out that Sen . Obama did not take the lead until the "Wall Street Crisis" hit on September 16 and that is when the American people moved toward Sen. Obama campaign in droves. The American people are not voting against Sen. McCain but, they are voting against the Bush Administration policies. Sen. McCain also, made some serious strategic mistakes by not bringing up William Ayers and Rev. Wright before the Republican Convention because, this would have made Sen. Obama unacceptable to the American people even if there was a Wall Street Meltdown. Finally, it is too late for the McCain campaign to bring up Ayers and Rev.Wright because, it makes Sen. McCain look desperate in the eyes of the American public. Sen. McCain should have learned a lesson from the 2000 Presidential campaign that nice guys finish last when it comes to winning Presidential elections. I guess Sen. McCain has to learn the hard way by losing to Sen. Obama "Game, Set, Match" Victory.