Saturday, August 30, 2008


The Liberal media could not wait to attack Gov. Palin as soon as she was picked to be Sen. McCain Vice Presidential Candidate. The Liberal Socialist Media got there talking points from the Obama Campaign and start asking the same questions that were in the talking points. The Liberal Media has no shame in this election they are one hundred percent behind Sen. Obama and they really don't care if you like it or not. I turned to MSNBC the media wing of the Obama campaign and as soon as Gov. Palin started to speak they had under Breaking News a disturbing question and that was how many houses will Gov. Palin add to Sen. McCain houses. This was a cheap shot from a so, called news organization. The Liberal media is so bad right now when Sen. Obama was giving his speech Thursday night they were in the media section clapping and celebrating because, this is the "Messiah" they have been waiting for for the last 45 years to advance there Liberal Socialist agenda. Therefore, watch the coverage during the Republican convention they will put a negative spin on everything the Republicans says or do to try and win this campaign for Sen. Obama. The Liberal media had the gall to ask the question is Gov. Palin was qualified to be President Of The United States. They forgot to look at Sen. Obama Qualifications because Gov. Palin has more executive experience than Sen. Obama. The so called media will attack Gov.Palin like they attacked Sen. Clinton because, the Democratic Party says they are for women but, when it comes down to electing a President or Vice President they tend to go back to the Old Boys Club. Finally, we will find out if Gov. Palin is ready for prime time in the next few weeks because, the media will try and destroy her before she even gets to debate Sen. Biden in front of the American people. Good Luck to Gov. Palin because, you have no friends in the Liberal media.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


The Liberal Socialist Progressive Movement has waited forty-five years for a "Messiah" like Sen. Obama to move the Liberal Socialist Communist Agenda Forward. Sen. Obama gave a Speech in a Temple on Top of Mount Ararat tonight in Denver at the DNC and said that he, would heal all the nations problems with just wave of his hand. Dr. Corsi and many others have given you the background on how Sen. Obama became, a communist and how he, is using his communist trained techniques to become, President of the United States. Sen. Obama claims that he, will unite the country with a more moderate agenda but, his record does not show not show any proof of him bringing the United States Congress together. The Former Coach Of The New York Giants "Once Said That You Are What Your Record Says You Are" and Sen. Obama record says that he, is not in the mainstream when it comes to the major issues of today. Today, we find out that Sen. Obama was the only Senator in Illinois that voted against Bill Prohibiting Early release of "Convicted Sex Offenders" in Illinois stated by the Washington Times. Sen Obama, also wants to raise your taxes and he also supports partial birth abortion and he wants to surrender to the terrorist in Iraq even though he will not admit the surge is working in Iraq. Sen. Obama is so, liberal he even wants to give drivers license to Illegal Aliens and give the Social Security benefits that should only go to legal Americans citizens. Sen. Obama believes in change and I believe in change too but, first we have to change Sen. Obama mind before we can have any change in this country. Sen. Obama has the "Audacity of Hope" to try and fool the American people that he is a beacon of light when it is dark in these troubled times. Therefore, tonight after listening to Sen. Obama speech will the American people unite behind Sen. Obama Liberal Socialist Agenda.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


The Obama Campaign has a strong "Get Out The Vote Campaign" that is similar to the Bush Campaign in the 2004 General Election. The Obama campaign learned a critical lesson from the Bush Campaign and that is make sure your voters get to the polls. The Obama Campaign has already promised to give out Street Money in cities like Philadelphia so, they can get as many people as possible to the polls so, they can vote for Sen. Obama and the Democratic Party. The Obama "Get Out The Vote Campaign" could make a serious difference in the General Election Campaign because, it can turn a state like Ohio to a "Blue State" by getting a extra 100,000 votes. The Obama campaign is so, coordinated that they will probably know the number of people who will vote Democratic in certain districts in Ohio, Virginia and Pennsylvania. Therefore, this is a serious problem for the McCain campaign because, I am hearing the exact opposite form Republicans all around the country that the McCain campaign does not have a strong ground game. The problem with the McCain Campaign is that he has a lukewarm relationship with Evangelicals and that was the backbone of the Bush Campaign that help him get re-elected in 2004 General Election Campaign. Sen. McCain is not using all his resources that will help him pull off a upset in the General Election Campaign, because he, is not communicating with people like Rev. James Dobson who can get the number of campaign workers needed to win this election. The "Great Karl Rove" was on the phone every week with the Evangelical leaders to talk about how they were going to get there voters to the polls. Finally, Rick Davis better get the McCain Campaign more focused on getting the vote out or it is going to be a long night for the McCain Campaign.