Saturday, July 12, 2008


The leader of Al-Qaeda is for voting for Sen. Obama because he, knows that the only way Al-Qaeda in Iraq can win is if the United States Military withdraws from Iraq as soon as Sen. Obama is elected President of the United States. This will be the greatest victory in the history of Al-Qaeda because, Osama will have proved to all the jihadist all over the world that the United States is a "Paper Tiger". Sen. Obama will give him this victory and it will be the worst thing that could ever happen to the free world. Sen. Obama will wave the "White Flag" and with a victory Al-Qaeda army will grow stronger and the jihadist movement will start attacking other Democratic countries around the world. Sen. Obama thinks that he, can talk to these bloodthirsty beast who will not stop until the United States and Israel are wiped off the face of the earth. The Democratic Party believes that if we will just be a more kinder and gentler nation maybe, these jihadist will leave us alone. The jihadist nation want to takeover the whole world not just the Middle East. This type of attitude will leave America open to more terrorist attacks because, they will feel that Sen. Obama will not stand up and fight like President Bush because, the left-wing of the Democratic Party does not believe in war. The Democratic Party has to understand that talking to these beast will only show them a sign of weakness. The only thing jihadist respect if you look at history is strength and power. Finally, if Sen. Obama is elected President we will have more problems with Al-Qaeda because, they will think that the United States does not have the heart to win a all out war.

Monday, July 7, 2008


The people who should take the blame for gas prices in America is the United States Congress. The United States Congress has not came up with a strong energy policy for the last 40 years. There should had been a strong "Public Planning Policy" towards energy after the OPEC crisis in 1973. The United State Congress refused to plan for the day where we did not need Middle Eastern Oil. The only thing Congress did was to make the situation worse by not letting oil companies build new refineries and they also, stop new drilling of oil on private and public lands in the United States. This Congress is being held hostage by the environmentalist who will not let any drilling for oil happen in the United States. The Democratic Congress lead by Speaker Nancy Pelosi will not let the oil companies drill in Anwar or off the coast of Florida or California. Therefore, for the last seven years President Bush has been fighting the Congress to open up the land in Anwar to start drilling for oil but, the Congress has turned him down every time. This country should have followed the Public Planning Policy of Brazil who will be energy independent from the oil producing countries because, they developed Sugar Based Ethanol instead of Corn Based Ethanol which should be used for feeding people around the world. Finally, it is so easy to blame President Bush, Oil Companies and OPEC but, we have to look at the man in the mirror and when you look you will see the failure of the United States Congress to come up with a strong energy plan that will make this country energy independent of Middle Eastern Terrorist Countries.