Saturday, June 28, 2008


The winner of this Fall General Election is going to Sen. Obama because, of the bad economic conditions in this country today. Sen. McCain has no chance of winning this election because, he is not a real Conservative. Sen. McCain is just another Sen. Bob Dole who looks good on paper but, when he is out there on the campaign trail there is no fire in his belly to win this General Election Campaign. Therefore, as Conservatives we will have to deal with "President Obama First Term" as President Of The United States and it could be the most damaging four years in the history of our country because, the Democratic Party will spend most of there time trying to destroy the Conservative movement. President Obama will raise all our taxes as soon as he is sworn into office as President of the United States. President Obama will surrender to the terrorist in Iraq and Afghanistan and try a sit down and talk to these blood thirsty terrorist. President Obama will also, let Iran get the nuclear bomb and let them control Iraq and most of the Middle Eastern Oil Supply. President Obama will put America and Israel in some dangerous situations because, of his liberal foreign policy towards the Middle East. President Obama will put as many secular judges on the Federal and Supreme court to try and override the Constitution when it come to the second amendment and Abortion Rights. Therefore, the Conservative movement must be ready to fight as hard as the liberal socialist media has been fighting President Bush for the last Eight Years. President Obama must be stop at all cost until we can elect a Conservative as President in 2012. Finally, Conservatives "Get Ready For A Battle" to try and save this country from the Secular Progressive Movement.