Friday, May 30, 2008


The question that I am asking Conservatives is the biggest question of the campaign will you vote for Sen. McCain. The Conservatives in the Republican Party are angry at Sen. McCain for being a Rockefeller "Liberal" Republican. Sen. Mccain has been a thorn in the side of Conservatives for the last eight years of the Bush Administration. Sen. Mccain was against the Bush tax cuts which are a staple of the Conservative Movement. Sen. Mccain was also, for McCain-Feingold which gave birth to the 527's and groups like and Media Matters. Sen Mccain is also, supporting the biggest fraud in world history "Global Warming" by going out to Oregon and talking about trying to solve this so called problem. Sen. Mccain needs to start talking like a Conservative Republican and stop trying to be a Conservative Democrat. Sen. McCain platform should be fiscal responsibility,cutting taxes,re-building the military and winning the war on terror. I will have to hold my nose and vote for Sen. McCain because, after seeing this nutcase Sen. Obama for the last few months can you imagine this clown in the Oval Office. Sen. Obama and a majority Congress will make America a socialist country within the next four years. I know that there are Conservatives who believe that it would be alright for us to lose this General election to Sen. Obama so, we can win the elections in 2010 an 2012 but, the damage will already be done by Sen. Obama and his socialist friends. Finally, I am asking my bloggers to make a quick comment bey pressing comments, will you also, hold your nose and vote for Sen.McCain.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Sen. Obama brother Abongo Roy Obama will get a lot of attention for being the possible next President of the United States brother. According to Investors Business Daily reports that his older brother Abongo Roy Obama is a "Militant Muslim" activist in Kenya who has asked his brother to embrace his Muslium and African heritage. Abongo Roy Obama supports the implementation of Sharia law in a country until, recently has been regarded as among the most Pro- Western and modern nations in Africa. Abongo Roy Obama supports the radical views of Rev. Wright with the Black values system, militiant Afro-Centric views and Radical Islamic beliefs pose far greater danger to the American way of life. Sen Obama and his family and friends are the most dangerous people I have ever seen in my life this close to possibly the next President of the United States. Therfore, how long can the mainstream liberal media cover-up for Sen. Obama and his friends and families socialist views. I m asking my bloggers to make a quick comment by pressing comment on Sen. Obama's family