Friday, August 17, 2007


General Petraeus over the past four months has done a excellent job in Iraq in turning around "Anbar Province" and getting cities like Rahmadi under some type of civil control. General Petraeus has proven over a short period of time with a good military plan and motivated soldiers who believe that General Petraeus plan will work and stop the violence in the major cities in Iraq like Rahmadi, Mosul and Baghdad there still can be some type of hope in winning the war in Iraq. Therefore, we can still win this war in Iraq, if the Democrats stop using the war as a political issue for the 2008 general election. This is the most important war in American history and if we lose this war it will be the first nail in the coffin of the American Empire. The Democrats have to understand that there are no winners or losers when it comes to losing a war. This is not President Bush's war this is America's war that we have to win as a "United People". If we lose this war in Iraq the "Terrorist" will gain more strength and become even more embolden, because they will feel that America's Military is a "Paper Tiger". Therefore, give General Petraeus another year to see if his plan can work over a long period of time. Finally, there was a war about a century and a half-ago when the American people thought the Union Army was going to lose to the Confederate Army and there was a "Strong" General like General Petraeus who later became President who pulled the war out for the Union Army and saved the United states and his name was President Grant. I believe that General Petraeus can still win the war in Iraq for the American people just give him more time. General Petraeus is the man that will complete the mission in Iraq and give us victory.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


It seems that America is falling into the same trap that the "Roman Empire" fell into in the "Final Days" of there Empire. The Roman's overextened there military and they had lack of fiscal responsability by the Central Government in Rome. The Roman's moral conduct declined in the the final years of there Empire and there was no unity amongst the people in the Roman Empire, because a large part of the Roman Empire were from different ethnic cultures. Therefore, look at America today our military is overextened and Congress has has no fiscal responsablitiy and the moral conduct in America is the worst it has ever been in the history of this country. There is a lack of unity in America, because we have politicians who benefit from the lack of unity even in a time of war. The problem we have with immigration is helping America decilne from within, because of the heavy burdon it puts on the taxpayers in America. If these problems are not solved within the next ten years America will be another "Footnote" in history just like the Roman Empire.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Governor Lingle signed a State of Emergency order for the State of Hawaii to respond to the potential damage of Hurricane Flossie. The Hurricane is expected to pass south of the "Island Hawaii" with the potential of damaging winds a heavey rains to the island of Hawaii. Therefore, depending on the track of the strom it may damage all the islands Hawaii. Governor Lingle Emergency disaster proclimation was signed Aug. 13 and will last until the storm has passed the island of Hawaii. Hurricane Flossie is a catergory 3 Hurricane right now with winds 150mph and is about 240 miles away from Hawaii. The hurricane is starting to weaken, while out at sea and hopefully it will not reach the Island of Hawaii

Monday, August 13, 2007


The Illegal Immigration problem is so far out of control in our country it's starting to become a "National Crisis". The Illegal Immigration problem needs to be solved by our Federal Government. The Congress has to stop using Illegal Immigration problem as a "Political Football" to see who is going to get the Hispanic vote in the "2008 General Election". The Ferderal Government under the Constitution has the right to stop these Illegal Immigrants from crossing the border into the United States. The Illegal Immigration crisis is causing a large strain on the Local, State and Federal Governments, because of the cost of Health Care, Education, and the Prison Population . The excuse of why we should not shut down our border is because, the Illegal Immigrants are doing jobs that the average American is unwilling to do for a fair wage. Therefore, if these companies start offering jobs that pay there workers a "Living Wage" there are plenty Americans who would take these jobs in a heartbeat. The Illegal Immiagrant population in America are commiting crimes sprees across America like it was the Old West. The latest "Crime Spree" is the execution style murders in Newark, New Jersey where a Illegal Immigrant help execute three innocent students from Delaware State College. The Federal Government has to get Illegal Immigrant problem under control, because this is also a threat to National Security. In a GAO report the "Watchdog Group" for the Federal Government; they said that terrorist could be using the open border with Mexico to gain access into our country. Therefore, the Federal Government should enforce our border security laws of our country to prevent future terrorist attacks on the homeland. Finally, if you are a Illegal Immigrant you should be deported back to your home country and follow the legal process of gaining citizenship into the United States.